Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.21.
General Information
On this page, we present you with the best gems and enchants foran Affliction Warlock in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4.We also list the best consumables (food, flasks, and potions) andprofession-specific perks. Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for this page. The other pages of our Affliction Warlock guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. 1. Gems↑top
2. Enchants↑top
Note that Extra Enchantments can be applied to an item in addition to aMain Enchantment. 3. Consumables↑top3.1. FoodYou should always eat food that gives you Intellect. You will be granted:
3.2. FlaskYour flask should be a 3.3. PotionDuring the encounter, your best choice for a potion will be 4. Summing-up Profession Perks↑topChoosing a profession for your Affliction Warlock can impact your raidperformance. As a rule, you should shy away from gathering professions (withthe exception of Herbalism), which leaves the following viable professions forraiding:
Engineering is currently the best profession for Affliction Warlocks, as itprovides you with 5. Changelog↑top