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Arms Warrior DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (MoP 5.4.8)

Arms Warrior Art Image
General Information

On this page, we list your Arms Warrior coreabilities and how they should be used together (rotation) in World of WarcraftMoP 5.4. We also explain whento use your various cooldowns. Then, we go deeper and present all the subtletiesthat you will need to know if you want to excel at playing an ArmsWarrior.

The other pages of our Arms Warrior guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.


1. Single Target Rotation↑top

The Arms Warrior rotation is made up of multiple phases, mostly having todo with whether or not the debuff applied by your Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash is upon the target or not. Whenever your Colossus Smash debuff is not up, it isyour top priority to apply it, as we will see below.

When the target is below 20% health, you have to employ a differentExecute rotation, but we cover this in a subsequent section.

Note that it is important to understand several key concepts of therotation in order to be able to execute it comfortably. We advise you to readour section on key concepts.

1.1. Outside Colossus Smash

When Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash is not active on the target, your rotation isbased on the following priority:

  1. Use Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike
    • Only to prevent reaching maximum rage, if Slam Icon Slam cannot be used.
  2. Use Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash.
  3. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  4. Use Overpower Icon Overpower.
  5. Use Slam Icon Slam
  6. Use Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout or Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout.
  7. Use Heroic Throw Icon Heroic Throw.

1.1.1. With 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus

If you have the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus, then the priority becomes:

  1. Use Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike
    • Only to prevent reaching maximum rage, if Slam Icon Slam cannot be used.
  2. Use Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash.
  3. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  4. Use Overpower Icon Overpower
  5. Use Slam Icon Slam
    • Only if you have 3 or fewer Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood stacks and you have 80 ormore rage.
  6. Use Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout or Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout.
  7. Use Heroic Throw Icon Heroic Throw.

This complicates the rotation for a relatively small DPS bonus, but it isa gain nonetheless.

1.2. During Colossus Smash

When Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash is active on the target, your rotation is basedon the following priority:

  1. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  2. Use Slam Icon Slam
    • If you have 40 or more rage OR
    • If you are under the effects of Recklessness Icon Recklessness (in which case youshould spam Slam Icon Slam).
  3. Use Overpower Icon Overpower.

1.2.1. With 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus

If you have the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus, then the priority becomes:

  1. Use Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike
    • Only if you have 80 or more rage.
    • If using Slam Icon Slam while Recklessness Icon Recklessness is active, ignore thisstep.
  2. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  3. If under the effects of Recklessness Icon Recklessness, spam Slam Icon Slam.
  4. Use Overpower Icon Overpower
  5. Use Slam Icon Slam

This complicates the playstyle for a relatively small DPS bonus, but it isa gain nonetheless.

1.3. Execute Rotation

When the boss is below 20% health, the rotation (and the above-mentionedpriority) changes considerably.

The main idea is that you should try to pool rage for when you can useColossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash, and follow this up with as much Execute Icon Execute spam asyou can. However, since it is not possible to predict when Colossus Smash willbe available (unlike for Fury Warriors, where it has a fixed 20-secondcooldown), you will have to keep your rage consumption at a minimum outside ofColossus Smash.

1.3.1. Outside Colossus Smash

While Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash is not active, use the following priority for yourrotation:

  1. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  2. Use Execute Icon Execute if your rage is above 80.
  3. Use Overpower Icon Overpower (all Overpowers within 10 seconds of having usedExecute Icon Execute are free of cost).
  4. Use Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar.
  5. Use Impending Victory Icon Impending Victory.
  6. Use Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout or Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout.

As soon as Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash is available, you should use it.

1.3.2. During Colossus Smash

During Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash, your rotation is as follows:

  1. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  2. Use Execute Icon Execute.
  3. Use Overpower Icon Overpower (free of cost after having used Execute Icon Execute).

2. Multiple Target Rotation↑top

When facing two enemies, you should keep upSweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes and execute a single target rotation. You shouldcast Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike alternatively on both targets, to maintainDeep Wounds Icon Deep Wounds on both of them (or you can use Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap every15 seconds for the same effect).

When facing three or more enemies, you should:

Note that while Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes is active, Slam Icon Slam will also deal35% of its damage to any targets within 2 yards of the one hit by Slam. Alwaystry to find the mob that is closest to other mobs within a pack for maximumdamage, assuming one mob does not have a higher kill priority.

Note also that Deep Wounds Icon Deep Wounds snapshots your Attack Power and damagemodifiers (including from such abilities as Avatar Icon Avatar or Skull Banner Icon Skull Banner),meaning that it does the same damage for its entire duration as it did when itwas applied, even if these factors change. As such, you should be on thelook-out for the best times to re-apply Deep Wounds to take advantage ofthis.

3. Cooldown Usage↑top

As an Arms Warrior, you have several DPS cooldowns. Additionally, you canobtain two more DPS cooldowns from your talents of choice.

  • Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage should be used to help with yourEnrage Icon Enrage uptime. This is more subtle, and we tackle it in depthin a later section.
  • Recklessness Icon Recklessness should be used as many times as possible throughoutthe encounter. It is ideal to stack it with other cooldowns.
  • Skull Banner Icon Skull Banner should be used as many times as possible throughoutthe fight, but keep in mind that the rest of your raid should benefit fromthis as well.
  • Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw is essentially a raid cooldown, so keep in mindthat the rest of your raid should benefit from it as well.

For more details on these cooldowns, as well as on the cooldowns granted toyou by your talents, refer to our detailedcooldown usage section.

4. Stance↑top

Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance grants you a lot of rage with each melee attack youmake, but grants you no rage from damage taken.

Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance grants you half the rage that Battle Stance does,from your melee attacks, but also grants you rage from damage taken.

Other than this, there is no difference between the stances, and yourabilities are not conditioned at all by your current stance. Therefore, useBerserker Stance when there is high raid damage, and Battle Stanceotherwise.

5. Mastering Your Arms Warrior↑top

The guidelines given above will enable you to play your Arms Warriorwith good results. If you want to push things further and master yourcharacter, then we advise you to continue reading.

5.1. Rage Generation

By default, your rage is generated from two sources:

  • Dealing damage with auto attacks.
  • Using special abilities that generate rage (Charge Icon Charge,Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike, etc.).

Exceptionally, if you are in Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance, you also generaterage from damage taken.

Your rage is mostly used by abilities in your rotation, although someutility spells also cost rage.

5.2. Opening Rotation

If Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar is not your Tier 4 talent of choice, fillthe global cooldown with Heroic Throw Icon Heroic Throw, and overlap any assignedcooldown for that step with Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash.

Any abilities on the same line should be used during the same globalcooldown. Cooldowns on the same line as an ability should always beactivated before the spell is cast, so that they may benefit from itseffect.

  1. Use your Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout or Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout and your potion (3seconds before the pull).
  2. Begin casting Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw (1.5 seconds before the pull).
  3. Use Charge Icon Charge.
  4. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  5. Use Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar, Bloodbath Icon Bloodbath, and Skull Banner Icon Skull Banner (also useSynapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs and your DPS-increasing racial ability, ifapplicable).
  6. Use Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash and Recklessness Icon Recklessness.
  7. Use Slam Icon Slam.
  8. Use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike.
  9. Use Slam Icon Slam.
  10. Use Slam Icon Slam.

5.3. Key Concepts

5.3.1. Enrage

Each time you critically strike with Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike andColossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash, you become enraged, dealing 10% increased physicaldamage for 6 seconds. This will happen passively, so you do not need toconcern yourself with it. Being enraged doubles the healing effect ofEnraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration (if you have taken this talent) so it is advisableto have a way of monitoring this buff.

5.3.2. Colossus Smash

Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash should be used, primarily, for the debuff which itapplies, and not for its damage. In the 6 seconds after using Colossus Smash,all of your abilities deal significantly more damage.

You should also keep in mind that your Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death passiveability provides you with a 10% chance to reset the cooldown on yourColossus Smash each time you perform an auto attack or have a proc from yourMastery (which basically grants you additional auto attacks). Because thiseffect does not have an internal cooldown, you should use Colossus Smash assoon as possible, when it becomes available, to avoid wasting Sudden Deathprocs.

Finally, you should always wait for the 6-second debuff to wear off beforeusing Colossus Smash again (assuming its cooldown was reset shortly afterusing it), so that the debuffs applied by your subsequent Colossus Smashes donot overlap.

Therefore, you should use Colossus Smash following these guidelines:

  • Use as many abilities as possible in the time that the debuff isactive.
  • Do not use Colossus Smash while the debuff from the previous ColossusSmash is active. If there are 1.5 seconds or less remaining on theexisting Colossus Smash, you can re-cast it without any real negativeconsequences, though.
  • Use Colossus Smash as soon as it is available (provided that the debufffrom the previous one has worn off). You can delay it for a few secondsso that abilities like Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike come off cooldown or until youhave a lot of rage.

5.3.3. Overpower

Your Overpower Icon Overpower ability is normally only usable after one of yourattacks is dodged. Thanks to the Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood passive ability, ArmsWarriors can gain additional Overpowers. Each time Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike dealsdamage, you gain two Overpowers (you can have up to a maximum of 5 Overpoweruses stacked up in this way).

Using Overpower reduces the cooldown of Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike by 0.5seconds.

Finally, each time you use Execute Icon Execute, all Overpowers used within 10seconds are free of rage cost.

5.3.4. Sunder Armor

If no one else in your raid is providing the Sunder Armor Icon Sunder Armor debuff,then you should do so yourself. All you need to do is apply it at the startof the fight, after which Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash should always refresh it(thanks to Glyph of Colossus Smash Icon Glyph of Colossus Smash). If there is a Feral or GuardianDruid, or a Protection Warrior, then the uptime of the debuff ispractically guaranteed.

5.4. Detailed Cooldown Usage

5.4.1. Recklessness

There is no great subtlety to using Recklessness Icon Recklessness. Simply make sureto use it as many times as possible during the encounter, and try to stack itwith as many other cooldowns as possible (especially withSkull Banner Icon Skull Banner andHeroism Icon Heroism/Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust/Time Warp Icon Time Warp).

If you are under the effects of Recklessness, and inside aColossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash window, the priority of Slam Icon Slam increases (moving aboveOverpower Icon Overpower), since much of the extra critical strike chance fromRecklessness is wasted on Overpower (which already has a 60% chance to be acritical strike).

5.4.2. War Banners

Skull Banner Icon Skull Banner is by far the most important of your banners. While weadvise to always use it together with Recklessness Icon Recklessness (andAvatar Icon Avatar, should you chose that talent), you must keep in mind that itis an extremely powerful raid buff. As such, if there is a time when yourraid would benefit more from using the cooldown, than you would by stacking itwith your other cooldowns, you should put the raid's best interests first.

Demoralizing Banner Icon Demoralizing Banner is also a raid cooldown of sorts, although it isa fairly weak one. You should coordinate with your raid leader, or at leastwith your tanks, in order to figure out the best time to use it.

Mocking Banner Icon Mocking Banner is mostly useless in PvE raids, but it could havesome merit against adds.

5.4.3. Berserker Rage

Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage is a very powerful DPS cooldown, especially sowhen you consider that it only has a 30-second cooldown. Berserker Rage mustbe considered together with Enrage Icon Enrage.

Their effects do not stack, so using Berserker Rage while Enrage is activeis a waste. As such, you should keep in mind that Enrage will proc offMortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike and Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash critical strikes, and adjustyour Berserker Rage usage accordingly:

  • Always make sure that you are enraged while under the effects ofColossus Smash (6-second debuff). If the Colossus Smash itself did not procan enrage, then you will be presented with the following two posibilities:
    • The Mortal Strike which you used before Colossus Smash did not proc Enrage,in which case you should use Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage immediately afterColossus Smash.
    • The Mortal Strike which you used before Colossus Smash procced an Enrage,in which case you should use Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage as soon as this Enrageexpires.
  • Try to maximise the optime of your enrage state. The safest way of makingsure that your enrages do not stack is to always wait until after aMortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike-Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash sequence, and if neither resultedin an Enrage proc, using Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage.

5.4.4. Shattering Throw

Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw is a raid cooldown above all else. As such, youshould always prioritise your raid's best interests when determining the timeto use this ability. We advise that you consult with your raid leader, as wellas with other Warriors. Most of the time, however, you will prefer to castthis ability right as the boss is being pulled, since it costs no rage.

5.4.5. Tier 4 Talents

Shockwave Icon Shockwave and Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar are both valuable when usedagainst a single target, despite the fact that they are designed with multipletargets in mind. As such, no matter what you choose, you should incorporate itinto your rotation by using it on cooldown.

Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm is a slight DPS loss against a single target. As such,though, it should only be taken and used when you can benefit from one of itsother effects.

Consider the multiple target properties of these abilities, andif there is a situation that is suited for them, try to save them for thattime. For example, if a pack of adds is just about to spawn, it is fine todelay your ability slightly so as to make better use of it (or to make use ofit at all, in the case of Bladestorm).

5.4.6. Tier 6 Talents

Avatar Icon Avatar should be stacked with Recklessness Icon Recklessness andSkull Banner Icon Skull Banner at all times. Additionally, you should try to make surethat you use Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage while Avatar is active.

Bloodbath Icon Bloodbath should be used on cooldown.

Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt should be used on cooldown. Due to its short cooldown, itwill essentially become part of your rotation.

5.5. Cooldown Reduction Trinkets

If you have a cooldown reduction trinket, this will reduce the cooldowns ofyour Tier 4 and 6 talents, Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap, Recklessness Icon Recklessness,Die by the Sword Icon Die by the Sword, and Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall. This leads to a few changes in theway some of these abilities should be used.

Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar should be used on cooldown (either before or after aColossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash window, but never during).

Recklessness Icon Recklessness should be used in different ways depending on howlarge the cooldown reduction is (this is determined by the item level ofyour trinket). If your Recklessness cooldown is greatly reduced, allowingyou to use it every 2 minutes, then you should use it (after the initial use)at the 2-minute mark, and you should save your Skull Banner Icon Skull Banner and use ittogether with Recklessness Icon Recklessness again at the 4-minute mark. If yourRecklessness cooldown is greater than 2 minutes and (roughly) 15 seconds,then you are better off using it together with Skull Banner Icon Skull Banner at the3-minute mark.

In order to reduce the cooldown of Recklessness Icon Recklessness by enough to make itviable to use every 2 minutes, you will need a Flexible raid version ofEvil Eye of Galakras Icon Evil Eye of Galakras with 2/2 item upgrades performed on it, orbetter.

Finally, if the cooldown of Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt is around 21.5 seconds, thenyou should delay it by a single global cooldown so that it can be your firstability inside a Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash window.

6. Changelog↑top

  • 20 Oct. 2013: Added opening rotation section.
  • 15 Oct. 2013: Made several improvements to the updated versionof the guide (most notably tweaking the single target and AoE rotationsections), and added a section regarding cooldown reduction trinkets.
  • 13 Oct. 2013: Made several updates following Jalopy's review.
    • Revamped the single target rotation.
    • Removed the Deep Wounds Icon Deep Wounds section since it was completelyunnecessary.
    • Added a mention that it is mostly ideal to use Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw atthe pull.
  • 12 Sep. 2013: Patch 5.4 update.
    • No immediate changes, although we are investigating a possible changethat simplifies that single-target rotation.
  • 20 May 2013: Patch 5.3 update: nothing to change.
  • 07 May 2013: Added mention that Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar should be usedoutside of Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash when the boss is below 20% health.
  • 04 May 2013: Revamped the single target and multiple targetrotation.
  • 04 Mar. 2013: Patch 5.2 update.
    • Removed mentions of Deadly Calm, following its removal from thegame.
    • Adjusted rotation section to account for various changes made to ArmsWarrior mechanics: updated the way Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood and Sudden Death Icon Sudden Deathwork, as well as other minor adjustments.

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