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Discipline Priest Healing Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (MoP 5.4.8)

Discipline Priest Art Image
General Information

On this page, we present the viable talent and glyph choices forDiscipline Priests in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. We detail what each of the talents andglyphs do and in which situations they should be taken.

The other pages of our Discipline Priest guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

1. Talent Choices↑top

Level Choices
15 Void Tendrils Psyfiend Dominate Mind
30 Body and Soul Angelic Feather Phantasm
45 From Darkness, Comes Light Mindbender Solace and Insanity
60 Desperate Prayer Spectral Guise Angelic Bulwark
75 Twist of Fate Power Infusion Divine Insight
90 Cascade Divine Star Halo
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  • Performance-enhancing
  • Survival
  • Crowd Control
  • Movement
  • Utility
  • Situational

There is no longer such a thing as a default build. Most of the talents arenow viable. They can easily be changed, thanks to Dust of Disappearance Icon Dust of Disappearance(and Tome of the Clear Mind Icon Tomes of the Clear Mind from level 86 to 90).You will frequently find yourself changing talents and glyphs betweenencounters, in order to adapt your play style to different mechanics.Therefore, it is important to understand what each of your talents does andhow they affect your play style.

2. Tier 1 Talents↑top

Tier 1 talents offer you a choice between 3 crowd-control abilities.

  • Void Tendrils Icon Void Tendrils roots up to 5 enemies in place for up to 20 seconds.Killing the tendrils cancels the effects. The targets must be in the 8-yardproximity of the main target of the spell.
  • Psyfiend Icon Psyfiend spawns a friendly NPC that casts fears on nearbyenemies.
  • Dominate Mind Icon Dominate Mind takes control of an enemy player or NPC.

These talents have, at best, situational uses. They may be useful insome encounters, but most likely will only be used during trash andquesting. Your choice will be largely irrelevant.

These talents do not influence your performance in any way, their usesbeing entirely situational. We advise that you choose the talent you preferthe most, or that one which applies best to the conditions of theencounter.

3. Tier 2 Talents↑top

Tier 2 talents offer you a choice between 3 means of improving yourmobility.

  • Body and Soul Icon Body and Soul increases the movement speed of the target of yourPower Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield and Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith by 60% for 4 seconds.
  • Angelic Feather Icon Angelic Feather allows you to place up to 3 feathers on theground. Collecting a feather (running through it) increases the player'smovement speed by 80% for 6 seconds. Placing feathers has no cooldown, butyou only gain a new feather every 10 seconds.
  • Phantasm Icon Phantasm causes your Fade Icon Fade to remove allmovement-impairing effects from you. It also makes you unslowable for 5seconds.

We feel that Body and Soul Icon Body and Soul offers you the most control over when tooffer the movement speed increase, and to whom. However, keep in mind thatpre-existing Weakened Soul Icon Weakened Soul debuffs on players (due to you or someoneelse having shielded them recently) may prevent you from using this. Also,using this basically means you may end up wasting a Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shieldaltogether (assuming the target does not take damage) only to offer themovement speed boost.

Angelic Feather Icon Angelic Feather offers a longer and stronger movement speed boost, andit has fewer restrictions than Body and Soul. It also costs less mana to use.It is, however, reliant on the recipients of the buff actively running throughthe feathers left behind. Moreover, targeting specific players with thisability when the raid is stacked together is practically impossible.

Phantasm Icon Phantasm is more of a PvP talent, with situational uses atbest.

4. Tier 3 Talents↑top

Tier 3 talents offer you a choice between 3 performance-enhancingabilities.

Each of these talents has its own situational uses, and they are allgreat. Making your choice will depend on several factors, most importantlythe mechanics of the encounter and your own playstyle.

Mindbender Icon Mindbender is easy to use and provides a stable and reliable means ofincreasing your mana regeneration.

From Darkness, Comes Light Icon From Darkness, Comes Light can provide excellent burst and manaconservation, but it suffers from two disadvantages. First of all, it procsrandomly, and, thus, uncontrollably. This makes it rather unreliable. Secondof all, it does not proc from Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield,a spell that Discipline Priests may find themselves casting extensively incertain situations.

Power Word: Solace Icon Power Word: Solace provides mana, as well as allowing you to keep upsome amount of healing, and deal some DPS in the process. It also provides adecent amount of mana regeneration. If you are making extensive use ofAtonement healing, then this talent can be very valuable.

5. Tier 4 Talents↑top

Tier 4 talents offer you a choice between 3 abilities that improve yoursurvivability.

  • Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer is an instant-cast self-heal that heals you for30% of your maximum health, with a 2-minute cooldown.
  • Spectral Guise Icon Spectral Guise allows you to enter a pseudo-stealth state (youremain in combat), leaving behind an illusion of yourself. The effect lasts for6 seconds, or until you receive 3 attacks.
  • Angelic Bulwark Icon Angelic Bulwark is a passive ability that grants you a damageabsorption shield, for 20% of your maximum health, each time you drop below30% health. The effect has an internal cooldown of 90 seconds.

Here, we feel that the choice will come down to eitherDesperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer or Angelic Bulwark Icon Angelic Bulwark. We prefer Desperate Prayer,because it can be used on-demand. Angelic Bulwark can be great when itprocs, so it is useful for fights where you often drop below 30% health(progression content, most likely).

Spectral Guise Icon Spectral Guise is not able to compete with the other two talents inPvE.

6. Tier 5 Talents↑top

Tier 5 talents offer you a choice between 3 performance-enhancingabilities.

  • Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate passively increases your damage and healing by 15% for10 seconds, each time you damage or heal a target that is below 35%health.
  • Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion is a 2-minute cooldown that increases your spellcasting speed by 20%, reduces the mana cost of all your spells by 20%, andincreases all damage done by 5% for 20 seconds.
  • Divine Insight Icon Divine Insight grants you a 100% chance whenever you castPenance Icon Penance, that your next Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield will ignore and notcause the Weakened Soul Icon Weakened Soul effect.

Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate is currently the best choice of talent in mostsituations. Divine Insight Icon Divine Insight and Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion are both decentoptions, although they only out-shine Twist of Fate in very restrictedcircumstances.

An unexpected benefit of Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate is worth taking intoconsideration. The talent interacts perfectly with Atonement Icon Atonement. This isto say, the healing from Atonement double-dips from this buff, being greatlyincreased. In situations where the boss is below 35% health, or where arecipient of your heal is below 35% health, you will gain the Twist of Fatebuff, which will then greatly enhance your Atonement healing for the next 15seconds.

Also regarding Twist of Fate, it is worth noting that you can oftenabuse (we use the word loosely here, and it is certainly not somethingagainst the rules of the game) this mechanic by damaging low-health adds inorder to proc the effect. This works especially well on fights where there aremany adds that spawn and die regularly throughout the fight.

7. Tier 6 Talents↑top

Tier 6 talents offer you a choice between 3 abilities that deal damage toand heal multiple targets.

  • Cascade Icon Cascade is a sort of "chain heal" or "chain lightning", dependingon how you wish to use the spell. The initial bolt heals or deals damage toits first target, after which it splits in two, each bolt jumping totargets that are far away, until it eventually stops.
  • Divine Star Icon Divine Star resembles a yo-yo, in the sense that theball of energy travels in a path away from you (in front of you), and afterreaching a certain point (24 yards away), it returns. Both on the first, aswell as on the second trip, it heals allies in its path, and damagesenemies.
  • Halo Icon Halo causes an effect around you, which expands up to a 30-yardradius. Allies who are inside it are healed, while enemies are damaged. Thehighest amounts of healing/damage are received by the targets who are aroundthe 25-yard mark.

Quite simply, you should choose the tier 6 talent based on the positioningof your raid during the encounter, and the type of damage that you will haveto heal.

Halo Icon Halo will work best when you can position yourself at a 25-yard rangefrom the players that need healing (since this is the range at which Halodoes the highest healing).

If your raid is stacked, then Divine Star Icon Divine Star can shine.

If your raid will be mostly spread out, in such a way thatHalo cannot be used well, then you will want Cascade Icon Cascade.

8. Major Glyphs↑top

There are several Major Glyphs that you will find useful as a DisciplinePriest.

9. Minor Glyphs↑top

All Minor Glyphs are of purely cosmetic value, and they do not influenceyour gameplay at all.

10. Changelog↑top

2015 0.7