Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.21.
General Information
This page is a gearing up guide for Enhancement Shamans. It is updatedfor World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. It first presents the best in slot itemsbefore listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346,that you can acquire in the game. We also explain how you will be competingfor loot with other classes.
The other pages of our Enhancement Shaman guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.
1. Best in Slot Advice↑top
With the advent of Thunderforged and Warforged weapons, BiS lists are muchless valuable a resource than before, because we would be advising a list of itemsthat not even the best players would have a chance to complete. Instead, we nowgive you advice for choosing your trinkets, your set bonuses, and whatever elseis important for your class.
2. Weapon Choice↑top
Two constraints will condition your choice of weapons:
- You have the
Dual Wield proficiency and some of your main abilities,like Lava Lash, require you to have an off-hand weapon. Therefore, alwaysuse two weapons.
- All your special attacks deal a percentage of your weapon damage. Therefore, you will prefer slow (speed 2.60) but hard hitting weapons.
The weapons that meet these constraints are: Fist Weapons, One-Handed Axes,and One-Handed Maces.
If one weapon of your two weapons does higher damage than the other, use it as your main handweapon, as the combined damage (melee attacks + abilities) you get from yourmain hand weapon is usually higher than what you get from your off-handweapon.
3. Gearing Up↑top
When gearing up, we advise you to always prioritise pieces of Tier sets over non-set pieces of higher item level.
In each table, the items are ranked by item level and then alphabetically.
3.1. Head
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Helm |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Helm (requires Leatherworking 590) |
450 |
Crest of the Clan Lords |
Kuai the Brute in Mogu'shan Palace, Ming the Cunning in Mogu'shan Palace, and Haiyan the Unstoppable in Mogu'shan Palace, Legacy of the Clan Leaders (Mogu'shan Palace) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Helm |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Helm |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Swarmcall Helm |
Commander Ri'mok in Gate of the Setting Sun |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Helm |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Helm (requires Leatherworking 500) |
463 |
Crest of the Clan Lords |
Kuai the Brute in Mogu'shan Palace, Ming the Cunning in Mogu'shan Palace, and Haiyan the Unstoppable in Mogu'shan Palace, Legacy of the Clan Leaders (Mogu'shan Palace) |
463 |
Stormbrew Helm |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Swarmcall Helm |
Commander Ri'mok in Gate of the Setting Sun |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Helm |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Helm (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Deadly Retinal Armor |
created by Deadly Retinal Armor (requires Engineering 600) |
476 |
Dreadeye Gaze |
Qin-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Stormshaper Helm |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Helm |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Crown of the Doomed Empress |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
483 |
Firebird's Helmet |
1 Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
489 |
Dreadeye Gaze |
Jan-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults |
489 |
Hawkmaster's Headguard |
2250 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Crest of the Grand Warband |
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Crimsonscale Helm |
created by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Crown of the Doomed Empress |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Firebird's Helmet |
1 Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Helm |
created by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Helm |
2250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Helm |
2250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Dreadeye Gaze |
Jan-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Gaze of Gara'jal |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Helmet of the Witch Doctor |
1 Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
509 |
Crown of the Doomed Empress |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
509 |
Firebird's Helmet |
1 Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
516 |
Mountaineer's Helm |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Helm |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Dreadrunner Helm |
created by Dreadrunner Helm (requires Leatherworking 500) |
522 |
Gaze of Gara'jal |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Helm |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Helm |
2250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 2250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Helm |
2250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 2250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Helm |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Helm |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Helmet of the Witch Doctor |
1 Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
528 |
Gaze of Gara'jal |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Haromm's Horrifying Helm |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Helmet of Celestial Harmony |
1 Helm of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
528 |
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
535 |
Crimsonscale Helm |
created by Create Helm |
535 |
Gaze of Gara'jal |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
535 |
Helmet of the Witch Doctor |
1 Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Helm |
created by Create Helm |
540 |
Haromm's Horrifying Helm |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Helmet of Celestial Harmony |
1 Helm of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
540 |
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Gaze of Gara'jal |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Haromm's Horrifying Helm |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Helmet of Celestial Harmony |
1 Helm of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
553 |
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Crest of Burning Deeds |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
559 |
Haromm's Horrifying Helm |
Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Haromm's Horrifying Helm |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Helmet of Celestial Harmony |
1 Helm of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
566 |
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Haromm's Horrifying Helm |
Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.2. Amulet
450 |
Astrylian's Cheerful Charm |
Kor'kron Grunt in Siege of Orgrimmar, Zar'thik Supplicant in Heart of Fear, Thaumaturge Saresse in Krasarang Wilds... |
450 |
Bladesnap Neck |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Bubblebrew Necklace |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Engraved Amber Pendant |
Vizier Jin'bak in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
450 |
Golembreaker Amulet |
created by Golembreaker Amulet (requires Jewelcrafting 575) |
450 |
Lavasoul Collar |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Stormcrier Choker |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
458 |
Amulet of Swirling Mists |
1250 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
463 |
Engraved Amber Pendant |
Vizier Jin'bak in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Scorched Scarlet Key |
Flameweaver Koegler in Scarlet Halls |
463 |
Stormbound Choker |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Amulet of the Hidden Kings |
Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults, Meng the Demented in Mogu'shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
476 |
Brewcarrier Choker |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Brewfather Necklace |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Don Guerrero's Glorious Choker |
Set'thik Fanatic in Heart of Fear, Kor'thik Fleshrender in Heart of Fear, Gnomeregan Field Medic in Krasarang Wilds... |
476 |
Firebinder Collar |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Lightning Rod Neck |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
480 |
Sweet Perfume Broach |
Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep |
483 |
Choker of the Unleashed Storm |
Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear |
483 |
Pheromone-Coated Choker |
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Amulet of the Hidden Kings |
Meng the Demented in Mogu'shan Vaults, Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
489 |
Choker of the Klaxxi'va |
1250 from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Amaranthine Necklace |
created by Create Lavalliere |
496 |
Choker of the Unleashed Storm |
Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Cliffbreaker Choker |
created by Create Lavalliere |
496 |
Elder Tortoiseshell Gorget |
created by Create Lavalliere |
496 |
Hellrider's Choker |
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Kiln-Stoker Collar |
created by Create Lavalliere |
496 |
Pheromone-Coated Choker |
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency |
Nalak, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess |
Nalak, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Warmsun Choker |
created by Create Lavalliere |
502 |
Amulet of the Hidden Kings |
Meng the Demented in Mogu'shan Vaults, Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
502 |
Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Archer |
Lei Shen's Burial Trove (...), Treasures of the Thunder King, Stormtouched Cache... |
502 |
Quadra-Head Brooch |
Flaming Head in Throne of Thunder, Frozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Talisman of Living Poison |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
509 |
Choker of the Unleashed Storm |
Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
509 |
Pheromone-Coated Choker |
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Doubtcrusher Neck |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Heartlander's Necklace |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Mist Splitter's Choker |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Sha-Seeker Collar |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Thunder Bastion Neck |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Flanker's Battletags |
825 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Necklace of the Hazillosaurus |
Oondasta |
522 |
Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Archer |
Thunder Lord in Throne of Thunder, Farraki Sand Conjurer in Throne of Thunder, Skittering Spiderling in Throne of Thunder..., Spoils of the Thunder King |
522 |
Quadra-Head Brooch |
Flaming Head in Throne of Thunder, Frozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
522 |
Talisman of Living Poison |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Gleaming Eye of the Devilsaur |
Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Immerseus' Crystalline Eye |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
528 |
Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Archer |
Zandalari Blade Initiate in Throne of Thunder, Sand Elemental in Throne of Thunder, Farraki Sand Conjurer in Throne of Thunder... |
528 |
Quadra-Head Brooch |
Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
528 |
Talisman of Living Poison |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Amaranthine Necklace |
created by Create Lavalliere |
535 |
Cliffbreaker Neck |
created by Create Lavalliere |
535 |
Elder Tortoiseshell Neck |
created by Create Lavalliere |
535 |
Kiln-Stoker Collar |
created by Create Lavalliere |
535 |
Quadra-Head Brooch |
Flaming Head in Throne of Thunder, Frozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder), Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder), and Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Talisman of Living Poison |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Warmsun Choker |
created by Create Lavalliere |
540 |
Gleaming Eye of the Devilsaur |
Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Immerseus' Crystalline Eye |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
541 |
Quadra-Head Brooch |
Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Talisman of Living Poison |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Gleaming Eye of the Devilsaur |
Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Immerseus' Crystalline Eye |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Gleaming Eye of the Devilsaur |
Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Immerseus' Crystalline Eye |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Smoldering Eye |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
566 |
Gleaming Eye of the Devilsaur |
Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Immerseus' Crystalline Eye |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
572 |
Immerseus' Crystalline Eye |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
3.3. Shoulders
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Shoulders |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Shoulders (requires Leatherworking 575) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Spaulders |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Spaulders |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Fletcher's Sharpening Shoulders |
Thaumaturge Moonspire in Krasarang Wilds, Corrupted Crane in The Jade Forest, Saber-Rider Isari in Krasarang Wilds... |
450 |
Wind-Reaver Spaulder |
The Mariner's Revenge (Dread Wastes) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Spaulders (requires Leatherworking 500) |
463 |
Harlan's Shoulders |
Armsmaster Harlan in Scarlet Halls |
463 |
Shadowspine Shoulderguards |
Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery) |
463 |
Stormbrew Spaulders |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Spaulders (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Stormshaper Spaulders |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Spaulders |
Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Firebird's Spaulders |
1 Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
483 |
Waterborne Shoulderguards |
Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring |
483 |
Wingslasher Pauldrons |
Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Windwalker Spaulders |
1750 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
496 |
Crimsonscale Spaulders |
created by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Firebird's Spaulders |
1 Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Spaulders |
created by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Waterborne Shoulderguards |
Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring |
496 |
Wingslasher Pauldrons |
Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear |
502 |
Abandoned Spaulders of Arrowflight |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Spaulders of the Witch Doctor |
1 Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
502 |
Static-Shot Shoulderguards |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
503 |
Waterborne Shoulderguards |
Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring |
509 |
Firebird's Spaulders |
1 Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
509 |
Waterborne Shoulderguards |
Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring |
509 |
Wingslasher Pauldrons |
Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Mountaineer's Spaulders |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Spaulders |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Waterborne Shoulderguards |
Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring |
522 |
Abandoned Spaulders of Arrowflight |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Spaulders |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Spaulders |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Spaulders of the Witch Doctor |
1 Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Static-Shot Shoulderguards |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Targetblinder Spaulders |
1000 0 0 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
528 |
Abandoned Spaulders of Arrowflight |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder... |
528 |
Quarantine Shoulderguards |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Shoulderguards of Intended Power |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Spaulders of Celestial Harmony |
1 Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
528 |
Static-Shot Shoulderguards |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Abandoned Spaulders of Arrowflight |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder... |
535 |
Crimsonscale Spaulders |
created by Create Shoulders |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Spaulders |
created by Create Shoulders |
535 |
Spaulders of the Witch Doctor |
1 Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
535 |
Static-Shot Shoulderguards |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
540 |
Quarantine Shoulderguards |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Shoulderguards of Intended Power |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Spaulders of Celestial Harmony |
1 Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
541 |
Abandoned Spaulders of Arrowflight |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder... |
541 |
Static-Shot Shoulderguards |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Quarantine Shoulderguards |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Shoulderguards of Intended Power |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Spaulders of Celestial Harmony |
1 Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
559 |
Firearrow Shoulderpads |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
559 |
Quarantine Shoulderguards |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Shoulderguards of Intended Power |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Quarantine Shoulderguards |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Shoulderguards of Intended Power |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Spaulders of Celestial Harmony |
1 Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
572 |
Quarantine Shoulderguards |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.4. Cloak
450 |
Aerial Bombardment Cloak |
General Pa'valak in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
450 |
Bladesnap Drape |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Bubblebrew Cloak |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Lavasoul Cloak |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Quick Strike Cloak |
created by Quick Strike Cloak (requires Leatherworking 560) |
450 |
Stormcrier Cloak |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
458 |
Bladesong Cloak |
1250 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes, Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty (requires Tailoring 550) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cape of Prowess (requires Tailoring 550) |
463 |
Aerial Bombardment Cloak |
General Pa'valak in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Stormbound Cloak |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Wind-Soaked Drape |
Wise Mari in Temple of the Jade Serpent |
476 |
Arrow Breaking Windcloak |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Brewcarrier Cloak |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Brewfather Cloak |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty (requires Tailoring 600) |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cape of Prowess (requires Tailoring 600) |
476 |
Dory's Pageantry |
Instructor Maltik in Heart of Fear, Amber Searsting in Heart of Fear, Bloodhilt Wolf-Sister in Krasarang Wilds... |
476 |
Firebinder Cloak |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Lightning Rod Drape |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
480 |
The Frost Lord's War Cloak |
Ahune in The Slave Pens, Ice Chest (The Slave Pens) |
483 |
Legbreaker Greatcloak |
Garalon in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Arrow Breaking Windcloak |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
489 |
Blackguard Cape |
1250 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Amaranthine Cloak |
created by Create Cloak |
496 |
Cliffbreaker Drape |
created by Create Cloak |
496 |
Elder Tortoiseshell Drape |
created by Create Cloak |
496 |
Kiln-Stoker Cloak |
created by Create Cloak |
496 |
Legbreaker Greatcloak |
Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Thunder-Chaser Cloak |
1250 from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
496 |
Thunder-Chaser Cloak |
1250 from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
Nalak, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
Nalak, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Warmsun Cloak |
created by Create Cloak |
502 |
Arrow Breaking Windcloak |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Pinionfeather Greatcloak |
Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
509 |
Legbreaker Greatcloak |
Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
516 |
Doubtcrusher Drape |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Heartlander's Cloak |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Mist Splitter's Cloak |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Sha-Seeker Cloak |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Thunder Bastion Drape |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cape of Prowess |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Longshot Forestcloak |
825 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Pinionfeather Greatcloak |
Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Cape of the Alpha |
Twisted Treasures of the Vale, Coalesced Turmoil, and Celestial Treasure Box |
528 |
Pinionfeather Greatcloak |
Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Poisonmist Nightcloak |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Amaranthine Cloak |
created by Create Cloak |
535 |
Cliffbreaker Drape |
created by Create Cloak |
535 |
Elder Tortoiseshell Drape |
created by Create Cloak |
535 |
Kiln-Stoker Cloak |
created by Create Cloak |
535 |
Pinionfeather Greatcloak |
Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Warmsun Cloak |
created by Create Cloak |
535 |
Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
540 |
Cape of the Alpha |
Hellscream Demolisher in Siege of Orgrimmar, Kor'kron Dark Farseer in Siege of Orgrimmar, Overseer Thathung in Siege of Orgrimmar..., Twisted Treasures of the Vale, Coalesced Turmoil, and Flame-Scarred Cache of Offerings |
540 |
Poisonmist Nightcloak |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Grey Wind Mistcloak |
Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Pinionfeather Greatcloak |
Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Cape of the Alpha |
Kor'kron War Wolf in Siege of Orgrimmar, Kor'kron Wild Gun in Siege of Orgrimmar, Kor'kron Dark Farseer in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
553 |
Poisonmist Nightcloak |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Poisonmist Nightcloak |
Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Cape of the Alpha |
1 Cape of the Alpha and 1 Echoes of War from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
566 |
Poisonmist Nightcloak |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
600 |
Fen-Yu, Fury of Xuen |
created by Cloak Transformation Spell 03 and Essence of Wrathion |
600 |
Tigerfang Wrap |
10000 0 0 from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled Stair, Cloak of Virtue |
3.5. Chest
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard (requires Leatherworking 590) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Vest |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Vest |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Galedodger Chestguard |
Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Armor |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Armor (requires Leatherworking 500) |
458 |
Undergrowth Stalker Chestpiece |
565 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes, Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
463 |
Azure Serpent Chestguard |
Gu Cloudstrike in Shado-Pan Monastery |
463 |
Galedodger Chestguard |
Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Stormbrew Vest |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Chestguard of Earthen Harmony |
created by Chestguard of Earthen Harmony (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Armor |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Armor (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Stonefang Chestguard |
Jasper Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
476 |
Stormshaper Vest |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Vest |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Firebird's Cuirass |
1 Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
483 |
Sunwrought Mail Hauberk |
Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) |
483 |
Zor'lok's Fizzing Chestguard |
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Breastplate of the Golden Pagoda |
2250 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
489 |
Stonefang Chestguard |
Jasper Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
496 |
Chain of Unsiezed Skies |
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Crimsonscale Vest |
created by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Firebird's Cuirass |
1 Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Vest |
created by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Raiment of Blood and Bone |
created by Raiment of Blood and Bone (requires Leatherworking 600) |
496 |
Sunwrought Mail Hauberk |
Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Armor |
2250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Armor |
2250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Zor'lok's Fizzing Chestguard |
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear |
502 |
Aberrant Chestguard of Torment |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Cuirass of the Witch Doctor |
1 Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
502 |
Stonefang Chestguard |
Jasper Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
502 |
Sul'lithuz Sandmail |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
509 |
Firebird's Cuirass |
1 Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
509 |
Sunwrought Mail Hauberk |
Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) |
509 |
Zor'lok's Fizzing Chestguard |
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Mountaineer's Vest |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Vest |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Aberrant Chestguard of Torment |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Carapace of Segmented Scale |
1485 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Cuirass of the Witch Doctor |
1 Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Gorgoraptor Scale Chest |
Oondasta |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Armor |
2250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 2250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Armor |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Armor |
2250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 2250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Armor |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Armor |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Sul'lithuz Sandmail |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Aberrant Chestguard of Torment |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Ancient Archer's Chestguard |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Cuirass of Celestial Harmony |
1 Chest of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
528 |
Sul'lithuz Sandmail |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Aberrant Chestguard of Torment |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Crimsonscale Vest |
created by Create Chestpiece |
535 |
Cuirass of the Witch Doctor |
1 Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Vest |
created by Create Chestpiece |
535 |
Sul'lithuz Sandmail |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
540 |
Ancient Archer's Chestguard |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Cuirass of Celestial Harmony |
1 Chest of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
541 |
Aberrant Chestguard of Torment |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Scales of Shaped Flesh |
Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Sul'lithuz Sandmail |
Horridon in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Ancient Archer's Chestguard |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar, Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
553 |
Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Cuirass of Celestial Harmony |
1 Chest of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
559 |
Ancient Archer's Chestguard |
Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Moonhee's Mean Vest |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
566 |
Ancient Archer's Chestguard |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Cuirass of Celestial Harmony |
1 Chest of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
3.6. Wrists
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Bracers |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Bracers (requires Leatherworking 555) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Bracers |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Bracers |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Groundshaker Bracers |
Xin the Weaponmaster in Mogu'shan Palace |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy (requires Leatherworking 500) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 500) |
458 |
Entombed Traitor's Wristguards |
1250 from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
463 |
Bladed Smoke Bracers |
Sha of Violence in Shado-Pan Monastery |
463 |
Groundshaker Bracers |
Xin the Weaponmaster in Mogu'shan Palace |
463 |
Stormbrew Bracers |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Stonemaw Armguards |
Jasper Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
476 |
Stormshaper Bracers |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Bracers |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Jagged Hornet Bracers |
Cache of Mogu Riches, Dividends of the Everlasting Spring, Amber Encased Treasure Pouch... |
489 |
Stonemaw Armguards |
Jasper Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
489 |
Tiger-Striped Wristguards |
1250 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes, Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
496 |
Crimsonscale Bracers |
created by Create Bracer and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Jagged Hornet Bracers |
Kor'thik Extremist in Heart of Fear, Instructor Kli'thak in Heart of Fear, Instructor Zarik in Heart of Fear... |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Bracers |
created by Create Bracer and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Beady-Eye Bracers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Loa-Ridden Bracers |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Stonemaw Armguards |
Jasper Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
516 |
Mountaineer's Bracers |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Bracers |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Beady-Eye Bracers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Loa-Ridden Bracers |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
522 |
Powderburn Bracers |
825 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
528 |
Beady-Eye Bracers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Bracers of Infinite Pipes |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Loa-Ridden Bracers |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Wristguards of Ruination |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
535 |
Beady-Eye Bracers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Crimsonscale Bracers |
created by Create Bracer |
535 |
Loa-Ridden Bracers |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder..., Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Bracers |
created by Create Bracer |
540 |
Bracers of Infinite Pipes |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Wristguards of Ruination |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Loa-Ridden Bracers |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Bracers of Infinite Pipes |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Wristguards of Ruination |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Bowflight Wristguard |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
559 |
Bracers of Infinite Pipes |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Wristguards of Ruination |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Bracers of Infinite Pipes |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Wristguards of Ruination |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Bracers of Infinite Pipes |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.7. Hands
450 |
Archer's Precision Grips |
Commander Vo'jak in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Gloves |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Gloves (requires Leatherworking 565) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Gauntlets |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Gauntlets |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
458 |
Brushcutter's Gloves |
440 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets (requires Leatherworking 500) |
463 |
Archer's Precision Grips |
Commander Vo'jak in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Hopecrusher Gauntlets |
Sha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent |
463 |
Stormbrew Gauntlets |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Gloves of Earthen Harmony |
created by Gloves of Earthen Harmony (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Grips of Terra Cotta |
Qin-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Stormshaper Gauntlets |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Gauntlets |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Firebird's Grips |
1 Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
483 |
Grips of the Leviathan |
Garalon in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Grips of Terra Cotta |
Jan-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults |
489 |
Sentinel Commander's Gauntlets |
1750 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes, Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
496 |
Crimsonscale Gauntlets |
created by Create Gloves and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Firebird's Grips |
Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit, 1 Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Grips of the Leviathan |
Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Gauntlets |
created by Create Gloves and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Raven Lord's Gloves |
created by Raven Lord's Gloves (requires Leatherworking 600) |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Grips of Cinderflesh |
Flaming Head in Throne of Thunder, Frozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Grips of Terra Cotta |
Jan-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Grips of the Witch Doctor |
1 Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
502 |
Synapse-String Handguards |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
509 |
Firebird's Grips |
1 Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
509 |
Grips of the Leviathan |
Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Mountaineer's Gauntlets |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Gauntlets |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Gauntlets of the Longbow |
1155 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grips of Cinderflesh |
Flaming Head in Throne of Thunder, Frozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
522 |
Grips of the Witch Doctor |
Nalak, 1 Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Synapse-String Handguards |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Therapsid Scale Gloves |
Oondasta |
528 |
Grips of Celestial Harmony |
1 Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
528 |
Grips of Cinderflesh |
Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
528 |
Grips of Unending Anguish |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Keengrip Arrowpullers |
Celestial Treasure Box, Twisted Treasures of the Vale, and Coalesced Turmoil |
528 |
Precision Cutters |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Synapse-String Handguards |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Crimsonscale Gauntlets |
created by Create Gloves |
535 |
Grips of Cinderflesh |
Flaming Head in Throne of Thunder, Frozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) and Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
535 |
Grips of the Witch Doctor |
1 Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Gauntlets |
created by Create Gloves |
535 |
Synapse-String Handguards |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
540 |
Grips of Celestial Harmony |
1 Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
540 |
Grips of Unending Anguish |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Keengrip Arrowpullers |
Kor'kron Wolf Pup in Siege of Orgrimmar, Blind Blademaster in Siege of Orgrimmar, Overseer Thathung in Siege of Orgrimmar..., Twisted Treasures of the Vale, Flame-Scarred Cache of Offerings, and Coalesced Turmoil |
540 |
Precision Cutters |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Grips of Cinderflesh |
Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Synapse-String Handguards |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Grips of Celestial Harmony |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1 Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
553 |
Grips of Unending Anguish |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Keengrip Arrowpullers |
Kor'kron Siegemaster in Siege of Orgrimmar, Grand Master Alchemist Ki'xen in Siege of Orgrimmar, Harbinger of Y'Shaarj in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
553 |
Precision Cutters |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Grips of Unending Anguish |
Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Precision Cutters |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Grips of Celestial Harmony |
1 Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
566 |
Grips of Unending Anguish |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Keengrip Arrowpullers |
1 Keengrip Arrowpullers and 1 Echoes of War from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
566 |
Precision Cutters |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Grips of Unending Anguish |
Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Precision Cutters |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.8. Waist
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Belt |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Belt (requires Leatherworking 565) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Belt |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Belt |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Impaler's Girdle |
Striker Ga'dok in Gate of the Setting Sun |
450 |
Wind-Reaver Waistguard |
Overthrone (Dread Wastes) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Links of Accuracy |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Links of Accuracy (requires Leatherworking 500) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Links of Cruelty |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Links of Cruelty (requires Leatherworking 500) |
463 |
Bindburner Belt |
Flameweaver Koegler in Scarlet Halls |
463 |
Impaler's Girdle |
Striker Ga'dok in Gate of the Setting Sun |
463 |
Stormbrew Belt |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Links of Accuracy |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Links of Accuracy (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Links of Cruelty |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Links of Cruelty (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Fetters of Death |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Rotting Bog Cinch |
300 0 0 from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
476 |
Rotting Bog Cinch |
300 0 0 from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
476 |
Stormshaper Belt |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Belt |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Ranger's Chain of Unending Summer |
Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring, Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring), Dividends of the Everlasting Spring, Cache of Mogu Riches... |
483 |
Shadowgrip Girdle |
Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring |
489 |
Fetters of Death |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
489 |
Klaxxi Lash of the Winnower |
1750 from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Chain of Flaming Arrows |
1750 from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Crimsonscale Belt |
created by Create Belt and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Girdle of the Raging Rider |
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Belt |
created by Create Belt and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Ranger's Chain of Unending Summer |
Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring, Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) |
496 |
Shadowgrip Girdle |
Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring |
496 |
Shigi's Chain of Cheerful Summons |
1750 from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Links of Accuracy |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Links of Accuracy |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Links of Cruelty |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Links of Cruelty |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Abandoned Zandalari Arrowlinks |
Lei Shen's Burial Trove (...), Stormtouched Cache, Treasures of the Thunder King... |
502 |
Fetters of Death |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Links of the Disintegrator |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
509 |
Ranger's Chain of Unending Summer |
Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring, Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Unclaimed Black Market Container |
509 |
Shadowgrip Girdle |
Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring |
516 |
Mountaineer's Belt |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Belt |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Abandoned Zandalari Arrowlinks |
Monara in Throne of Thunder, Farraki Sand Conjurer in Throne of Thunder, Sand Elemental in Throne of Thunder..., Spoils of the Thunder King |
522 |
Belt of the Dying Diemetradon |
Oondasta |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Waistband |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Links of Accuracy |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Links of Accuracy |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Links of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Links of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Waistguard |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Waistguard |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Links of the Disintegrator |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Nightflight Chain |
1155 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
528 |
Abandoned Zandalari Arrowlinks |
Gurubashi Berserker in Throne of Thunder, Dark Ritualist in Throne of Thunder, Zandalari Blade Initiate in Throne of Thunder... |
528 |
Arrowflight Girdle |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Links of the Disintegrator |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Crimsonscale Belt |
created by Create Belt |
535 |
Links of the Disintegrator |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Belt |
created by Create Belt |
540 |
Arrowflight Girdle |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Jingling Fetishgirdle |
Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Links of the Disintegrator |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Arrowflight Girdle |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar, Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
553 |
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Gorge Stalker Belt |
created by Gorge Stalker Belt (requires Leatherworking 605) |
559 |
Arrowflight Girdle |
Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Light Kindler Waistguard |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
566 |
Arrowflight Girdle |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.9. Legs
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Leggings |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Leggings (requires Leatherworking 565) |
450 |
Danio-Scale Legguards |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Legguards |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Linked Leggings (requires Leatherworking 500) |
458 |
Leggings of Twisted Vines |
565 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
463 |
Hopping Mad Leggings |
Hoptallus in Stormstout Brewery |
463 |
Legguards of the Crimson Magus |
Thalnos the Soulrender in Scarlet Monastery |
463 |
Stormbrew Legguards |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Linked Leggings (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Legguards of Sleeting Arrows |
Dragonmaw Elite Grunt in Siege of Orgrimmar, Instructor Maltik in Heart of Fear, Windweaver Akil'amon in Isle of Thunder... |
476 |
Stormshaper Legguards |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Subetai's Pillaging Leggings |
Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults, Meng the Demented in Mogu'shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
476 |
Swashbuckling Legguards |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
483 |
Firebird's Legguards |
1 Leggings of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
483 |
Sword Dancer's Leggings |
Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Locust Swarm Legguards |
2250 from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
489 |
Subetai's Pillaging Leggings |
Meng the Demented in Mogu'shan Vaults, Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
496 |
Crimsonscale Legguards |
created by Create Leggings and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Firebird's Legguards |
Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit, 1 Leggings of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Legguards |
created by Create Leggings and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Sword Dancer's Leggings |
Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
2250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
2250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
502 |
Conduit-Breaker Chain Leggings |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Legguards of the Witch Doctor |
1 Leggings of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
502 |
Spearman's Jingling Leggings |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Subetai's Pillaging Leggings |
Meng the Demented in Mogu'shan Vaults, Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
509 |
Firebird's Legguards |
1 Leggings of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
509 |
Sword Dancer's Leggings |
Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Mountaineer's Legguards |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Legguards |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Conduit-Breaker Chain Leggings |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 2250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Leggings |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 2250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Leggings |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Homeguard Leggings |
1485 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Legguards of the Witch Doctor |
Nalak, 1 Leggings of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Spearman's Jingling Leggings |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Conduit-Breaker Chain Leggings |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Leggings of Unabashed Anger |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Legguards of Celestial Harmony |
1 Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
528 |
Spearman's Jingling Leggings |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Conduit-Breaker Chain Leggings |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Crimsonscale Legguards |
created by Create Leggings |
535 |
Legguards of the Witch Doctor |
1 Leggings of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Legguards |
created by Create Leggings |
535 |
Spearman's Jingling Leggings |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
540 |
Leggings of Unabashed Anger |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Legguards of Celestial Harmony |
1 Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
541 |
Conduit-Breaker Chain Leggings |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Sparkstring Chain Leggings |
Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Spearman's Jingling Leggings |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Gorge Stalker Legplates |
created by Gorge Stalker Legplates (requires Leatherworking 605) |
553 |
Leggings of Unabashed Anger |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Legguards of Celestial Harmony |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1 Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
559 |
Desirae's Dashing Leggings |
Ordos in Timeless Isle |
559 |
Leggings of Unabashed Anger |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Leggings of Unabashed Anger |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Legguards of Celestial Harmony |
1 Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons |
572 |
Leggings of Unabashed Anger |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.10. Feet
450 |
Contender's Dragonscale Boots |
created by Contender's Dragonscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 565) and Leatherworking |
450 |
Danio-Scale Greaves |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Earthstriker Greaves |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Treads of Fixation |
Raigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun |
450 |
Wind-Reaver Sabatons |
Fires and Fears of Old (Dread Wastes) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 500) |
458 |
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty |
created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty (requires Leatherworking 500) |
463 |
Bone Golem Boots |
Rattlegore in Scholomance |
463 |
Stormbrew Greaves |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Treads of Fixation |
Raigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty |
created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty (requires Leatherworking 600) |
476 |
Stormshaper Greaves |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Swashbuckling Greaves |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Treads of Ardent Antagonism |
Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes) |
476 |
Wildfire Worldwalkers |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
483 |
Monstrous Stompers |
Amber-Shaper Un'sok in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Steps of the War Serpent |
1750 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes, Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars |
489 |
Wildfire Worldwalkers |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
496 |
Crimsonscale Greaves |
created by Create Boots and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Greaves of Manifest Destiny |
1750 from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Monstrous Stompers |
Amber-Shaper Un'sok in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Odlaw's Everwalkers |
1750 from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Greaves |
created by Create Boots and Unlock Armor Cache |
496 |
Treads of Gentle Nudges |
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Quakestompers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Scalehide Spurs |
Lei Shen's Burial Trove (...), Treasures of the Thunder King, Stormtouched Cache... |
502 |
Treads of Reticence |
Path of the Last Emperor |
502 |
Wildfire Worldwalkers |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
509 |
Monstrous Stompers |
Amber-Shaper Un'sok in Heart of Fear, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
516 |
Mountaineer's Greaves |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Perpetual Static Greaves |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Dreadrunner Sabatons |
created by Dreadrunner Sabatons (requires Leatherworking 500) |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Linked Sabatons |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Mail Footguards |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Footguards |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Quakestompers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Scalehide Spurs |
Monara in Throne of Thunder, Rocky Horror in Throne of Thunder, Manchu in Throne of Thunder..., Spoils of the Thunder King |
528 |
Minelayer's Padded Boots |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Puddle Punishers |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
528 |
Quakestompers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Ravager's Pathwalkers |
General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Scalehide Spurs |
Sand Elemental in Throne of Thunder, Ritual Guard in Throne of Thunder, Gurubashi Berserker in Throne of Thunder... |
535 |
Crimsonscale Greaves |
created by Create Boots |
535 |
Ordon Legend-Keeper Greaves |
created by Create Boots |
535 |
Quakestompers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
540 |
Minelayer's Padded Boots |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Puddle Punishers |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
540 |
Ravager's Pathwalkers |
General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Quakestompers |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Treads of the Sanguine Volley |
Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) |
553 |
Minelayer's Padded Boots |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Puddle Punishers |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
553 |
Ravager's Pathwalkers |
General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Minelayer's Padded Boots |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Puddle Punishers |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Ravager's Pathwalkers |
General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Minelayer's Padded Boots |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Puddle Punishers |
Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
566 |
Ravager's Pathwalkers |
General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Minelayer's Padded Boots |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.11. Ring
450 |
Bladesnap Seal |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Bubblebrew Signet |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Lavasoul Ring |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
450 |
Roguestone Shadowband |
created by Roguestone Shadowband (requires Jewelcrafting 575) |
450 |
Stormcrier Ring |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
458 |
Mark of the Dancing Crane |
1250 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
463 |
Pulled Grenade Pin |
Saboteur Kip'tilak in Gate of the Setting Sun |
463 |
Seal of Hateful Meditation |
Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery) |
463 |
Signet of Dancing Jade |
Liu Flameheart in Temple of the Jade Serpent |
463 |
Stormbound Ring |
Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures |
470 |
Seal of Ghoulish Glee |
Headless Horseman in Scarlet Monastery, Loot-Filled Pumpkin |
476 |
Brewcarrier Ring |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Brewfather Signet |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Feng's Seal of Binding |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Firebinder Ring |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Lightning Rod Seal |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Perculia's Peculiar Signet |
Sra'thik Shield Master in Heart of Fear, Kor'thik Warsinger in Heart of Fear, Kor'thik Fleshrender in Heart of Fear... |
483 |
Painful Thorned Ring |
Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear |
483 |
Regail's Band of the Endless |
Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring |
489 |
Anji's Keepsake |
1250 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
489 |
Feng's Seal of Binding |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
489 |
Seal of the Windreaver |
Shadow of the Empire (Dread Wastes) |
496 |
Amaranthine Signet |
created by Create Ring |
496 |
Cliffbreaker Seal |
created by Create Ring |
496 |
Dominator's Signet |
1250 from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Elder Tortoiseshell Seal |
created by Create Ring |
496 |
Hereditary Saurok Loop |
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Kiln-Stoker Ring |
created by Create Ring |
496 |
Painful Thorned Ring |
Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear |
496 |
Refurbished Band of Jin |
1250 from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
496 |
Refurbished Band of Jin |
1250 from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
496 |
Regail's Band of the Endless |
Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring |
496 |
Signet of the Shieldwall |
1250 from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy |
Nalak, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ring of Cruelty |
1250  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ring of Cruelty |
Nalak, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ring of Cruelty |
1250  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Warmsun Ring |
created by Create Ring |
502 |
Feng's Seal of Binding |
Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Gore-Soaked Gear |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Sign of the Bloodied God |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
503 |
Regail's Band of the Endless |
Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring |
509 |
Painful Thorned Ring |
Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
509 |
Regail's Band of the Endless |
Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
516 |
Doubtcrusher Seal |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Heartlander's Signet |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Mist Splitter's Ring |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Regail's Band of the Endless |
Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring |
516 |
Sha-Seeker Ring |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Thunder Bastion Seal |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Forzarra's Last Meal |
Oondasta |
522 |
Gore-Soaked Gear |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ring of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ring of Cruelty |
Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1250  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Seal of the Shado-Pan Assault |
825 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
522 |
Sign of the Bloodied God |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Gore-Soaked Gear |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Kil'ruk's Band of Ascendancy |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
528 |
Reality Ripper Ring |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Ring of Restless Energy |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Sign of the Bloodied God |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Swift Serpent Signet |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
535 |
Amaranthine Signet |
created by Create Ring |
535 |
Cliffbreaker Seal |
created by Create Ring |
535 |
Elder Tortoiseshell Seal |
created by Create Ring |
535 |
Gore-Soaked Gear |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Kiln-Stoker Ring |
created by Create Ring |
535 |
Sign of the Bloodied God |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder, Unclaimed Black Market Container |
535 |
Warmsun Ring |
created by Create Ring |
540 |
Kil'ruk's Band of Ascendancy |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
540 |
Reality Ripper Ring |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Ring of Restless Energy |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Swift Serpent Signet |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Gore-Soaked Gear |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Ra-den's Swift Seal |
Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) |
541 |
Sign of the Bloodied God |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Kil'ruk's Band of Ascendancy |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
553 |
Reality Ripper Ring |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Ring of Restless Energy |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Swift Serpent Signet |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Reality Ripper Ring |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Ring of Restless Energy |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Swift Serpent Signet |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Kil'ruk's Band of Ascendancy |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
566 |
Reality Ripper Ring |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Ring of Restless Energy |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Swift Serpent Signet |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Reality Ripper Ring |
Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Ring of Restless Energy |
Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Swift Serpent Signet |
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.12. Trinket
450 |
Bloodsoaked Chitin Fragment |
Bloodsoaked Chitin Fragment (Dread Wastes) |
450 |
Ghost Iron Dragonling |
created by Ghost Iron Dragonling (requires Engineering 550) |
450 |
Swarmkeeper's Medallion |
Swarmkeeper's Medallion (Dread Wastes) |
458 |
Deadeye Badge of the Shieldwall |
440 from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
458 |
Dominator's Deadeye Badge |
440 from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
458 |
Mogu Rune of Paralysis |
440 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
458 |
Shado-Pan Dragon Gun |
440 from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
458 |
Zen Alchemist Stone |
Strange Spherical Stone (Alchemy), created by Zen Alchemist Stone (requires Alchemy 500) |
463 |
Flashing Steel Talisman |
Commander Durand in Scarlet Monastery and High Inquisitor Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery |
463 |
Quilen Statuette |
created by Quilen Statuette (requires Archeology ) |
463 |
Searing Words |
Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance |
463 |
Windswept Pages |
Lorewalker Stonestep in Temple of the Jade Serpent, Strife in Temple of the Jade Serpent, and Zao Sunseeker in Temple of the Jade Serpent |
476 |
Bottle of Infinite Stars |
Cache of Pure Energy (Mogu'shan Vaults) |
476 |
Jade Bandit Figurine |
Dividends of the Everlasting Spring, Cache of Mogu Riches, Amber Encased Treasure Pouch... |
476 |
Relic of Xuen |
Darkmoon Tiger Deck (Darkmoon Faire) |
483 |
Terror in the Mists |
Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring |
489 |
Bottle of Infinite Stars |
Cache of Pure Energy (Mogu'shan Vaults) |
489 |
Hawkmaster's Talon |
1750 from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes |
489 |
Jade Bandit Figurine |
Enslaved Bonesmasher in Heart of Fear, Mogu'shan Secret-Keeper in Mogu'shan Vaults, Enormous Stone Quilen in Mogu'shan Vaults... |
496 |
Arrowflight Medallion |
1750 from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
496 |
Captain Zvezdan's Lost Leg |
Rattleskew in Timeless Isle |
496 |
Discipline of Xuen |
created by Create Curio |
496 |
Golden Moss |
Rock Moss in Timeless Isle |
496 |
Ordon Death Chime |
Flintlord Gairan in Timeless Isle |
496 |
Pouch of White Ash |
20 from Speaker Gulan (A/H) in Timeless Isle |
496 |
Terror in the Mists |
Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring, Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) |
496 |
Time-Lost Artifact |
7500 from Mistweaver Ku (A/H) in Timeless Isle |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Badge of Conquest |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Badge of Conquest |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Insignia of Conquest |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Insignia of Conquest |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
496 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
496 |
Woundripper Medallion |
1750 from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds |
502 |
Bad Juju |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Bottle of Infinite Stars |
Cache of Pure Energy (Mogu'shan Vaults) |
502 |
Renataki's Soul Charm |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Rune of Re-Origination |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Talisman of Bloodlust |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
509 |
Terror in the Mists |
Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring, Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) |
522 |
Bad Juju |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Conquest |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Conquest |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Insignia of Conquest |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Insignia of Conquest |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Renataki's Soul Charm |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Rune of Re-Origination |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Talisman of Bloodlust |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Vicious Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault |
1155 from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder |
528 |
Assurance of Consequence |
Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
528 |
Bad Juju |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Haromm's Talisman |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Renataki's Soul Charm |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Rune of Re-Origination |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Sigil of Rampage |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Talisman of Bloodlust |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Ticking Ebon Detonator |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
535 |
Bad Juju |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
535 |
Discipline of Xuen |
50000 from Mistweaver Ai (A/H) in Timeless Isle |
535 |
Renataki's Soul Charm |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Rune of Re-Origination |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Talisman of Bloodlust |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
540 |
Assurance of Consequence |
Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
540 |
Haromm's Talisman |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Sigil of Rampage |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Ticking Ebon Detonator |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Bad Juju |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Renataki's Soul Charm |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Rune of Re-Origination |
Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Talisman of Bloodlust |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder |
553 |
Assurance of Consequence |
Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
553 |
Haromm's Talisman |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Sigil of Rampage |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar, Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
553 |
Ticking Ebon Detonator |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Assurance of Consequence |
Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Haromm's Talisman |
Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Sigil of Rampage |
Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
559 |
Ticking Ebon Detonator |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Assurance of Consequence |
Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) |
566 |
Haromm's Talisman |
Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Sigil of Rampage |
Secured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Ticking Ebon Detonator |
Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Haromm's Talisman |
Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.13. Main-Hand Weapon
450 |
Chagan's Cheery Chopper |
The Arena of Annihilation (Kun-Lai Summit) |
450 |
Claws of Gekkan |
Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu'shan Palace) and Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu'shan Palace) |
450 |
Fist of Fate |
Kor'kron Dark Farseer in Siege of Orgrimmar, Monara in Throne of Thunder, Wolf-Rider Gaja in Krasarang Wilds... |
450 |
Lobstmourne |
Clawlord Kril'mandar in Krasarang Wilds |
450 |
Ner'onok's Razor Katar |
Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess |
161 18 62 from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes |
463 |
Claws of Gekkan |
Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu'shan Palace) |
463 |
Crescent of Ichor |
Sha of Violence in Shado-Pan Monastery |
463 |
Gao's Keg Tapper |
Yan-Zhu the Uncasked in Stormstout Brewery |
463 |
Ner'onok's Razor Katar |
Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Axe |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Axe |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Knuckles |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Knuckles |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Mace |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Mace |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Scepter |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Gara'kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Hozen Can Opener |
10000 from Mistweaver Ai (A/H) in Timeless Isle |
476 |
Ka'eng, Breath of the Shadow |
Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery) |
483 |
Claws of Shek'zeer |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Gara'kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
496 |
Claws of Shek'zeer |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Gara'kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder... |
509 |
Claws of Shek'zeer |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Axe |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Axe |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Axe |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Knuckles |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Knuckles |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Knuckles |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Mace |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Mace |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Scepter |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Bonecracker |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Gavel |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Hacker |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Render |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
522 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder, Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
522 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder, Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
528 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
528 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder... |
528 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
535 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
535 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder and Suen in Throne of Thunder, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
535 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder, Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder... |
540 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
540 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Primordius in Throne of Thunder... |
541 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder... |
548 |
Hellscream's Cleaver |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
553 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
561 |
Hellscream's Cleaver |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
566 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
574 |
Hellscream's Cleaver |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.14. Off-Hand Weapon
450 |
Chagan's Cheery Chopper |
The Arena of Annihilation (Kun-Lai Summit) |
450 |
Claws of Gekkan |
Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu'shan Palace) and Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu'shan Palace) |
450 |
Fist of Fate |
Kor'kron Dark Farseer in Siege of Orgrimmar, Monara in Throne of Thunder, Wolf-Rider Gaja in Krasarang Wilds... |
450 |
Lobstmourne |
Clawlord Kril'mandar in Krasarang Wilds |
450 |
Ner'onok's Razor Katar |
Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess |
161 18 62 from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes |
463 |
Claws of Gekkan |
Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu'shan Palace) |
463 |
Crescent of Ichor |
Sha of Violence in Shado-Pan Monastery |
463 |
Gao's Keg Tapper |
Yan-Zhu the Uncasked in Stormstout Brewery |
463 |
Ner'onok's Razor Katar |
Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Axe |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Axe |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Knuckles |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Knuckles |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Mace |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Mace |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
463 |
Scavenged Pandaren Scepter |
Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures |
476 |
Gara'kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
476 |
Hozen Can Opener |
10000 from Mistweaver Ai (A/H) in Timeless Isle |
476 |
Ka'eng, Breath of the Shadow |
Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery) |
483 |
Claws of Shek'zeer |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
489 |
Gara'kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
496 |
Claws of Shek'zeer |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
498 |
Tyrannical Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
502 |
Gara'kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults |
502 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder... |
502 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder |
502 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder, Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder... |
509 |
Claws of Shek'zeer |
Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Axe |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Axe |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Axe |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Knuckles |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Knuckles |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Knuckles |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Mace |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Mace |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
516 |
Immaculate Pandaren Scepter |
Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Bonecracker |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Cleaver |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Gavel |
2250  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Hacker |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Pummeler |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Render |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750  from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Grievous Gladiator's Ripper |
1750  from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750  from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds |
522 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
522 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Primordius in Throne of Thunder, Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
522 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder |
522 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder, Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
528 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
528 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
528 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder... |
528 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder |
528 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder..., Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
535 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of Thunder, Frost King Malakk in Throne of Thunder, High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder... |
535 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder and Suen in Throne of Thunder, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) |
535 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu'lin in Throne of Thunder |
535 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder, Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder... |
540 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
540 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
540 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
541 |
Hand of the Dark Animus |
Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver |
High Priestess Mar'li in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Primordius in Throne of Thunder... |
541 |
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Consorts |
Suen in Throne of Thunder |
541 |
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher |
Tortos in Throne of Thunder, Horridon in Throne of Thunder, Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder... |
548 |
Hellscream's Cleaver |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
553 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
553 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
559 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
561 |
Hellscream's Cleaver |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Korven's Crimson Crescent |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper in Siege of Orgrimmar, Ka'roz the Locust in Siege of Orgrimmar, Korven the Prime in Siege of Orgrimmar... |
566 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
566 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Seismic Bore |
Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar |
572 |
Softfoot's Last Resort |
Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar |
574 |
Hellscream's Cleaver |
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar |
3.15. Off-hand Frill
4. Loot Competition↑top
Regarding the loot you will get from raid or dungeon bosses, you willcompete with other classes in the following cases:
Tier Tokens |
Hunters, Monks, Elemental/Restoration Shamans, and Warrior |
Mail Armor |
Hunters |
Feral/Guardian Druids, Brewmaster/Windwalker Monks, Hunters, and Rogues |
Trinkets |
Feral Druids, Windwalker Monks, Hunters, and Rogues |
Weapons |
Brewmaster/Windwalker Monks and Combat Rogues |
5. Changelog↑top
- 15 Oct. 2013: Added gear advice in new format.
- 15 Jul. 2013: Added item level 600 cloaks.
- 03 Apr. 2013: Added items from last bosses in Throne of Thunder (including Ra-den).