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Frost Death Knight DPS Buffs, Debuffs, and Useful Abilities (MoP 5.4.8)

Frost Death Knight Art Image
General Information

On this page, we list the buffs, debuffs and useful abilities that a Frost Death Knight brings to a raid in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. We also list equivalent buffs and debuffs that other classes provide.

The other pages of our Frost Death Knight guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.

Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter Increases the Attack Power of all party and raid members by 10% — does not stack with Trueshot Aura Icon Trueshot Aura and Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout
Unholy Aura Icon Unholy Aura Increases the melee and ranged Attack Speed of all party and raid members by 10% — does not stack with Cackling Howl Icon Cackling Howl, Serpent's Swiftness Icon Serpent's Swiftness, Swiftblade's Cunning Icon Swiftblade's Cunning, and Unleashed Rage Icon Unleashed Rage
Brittle Bones Icon Brittle Bones +4% Physical Damage taken — does not stack with Ebon Plaguebringer Icon Ebon Plaguebringer, Acid Spit Icon Acid Spit, Gore Icon Gore, Ravage Icon Ravage, Stampede Icon Stampede, Judgments of the Bold Icon Judgments of the Bold, and Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash
Necrotic Strike Icon Necrotic Strike -50% Casting Speed — does not stack with Lava Breath Icon Lava Breath, Spore Cloud Icon Spore Cloud, Slow Icon Slow, Mind-numbing Poison Icon Mind-numbing Poison, and Curse of Enfeeblement Icon Curse of Enfeeblement
Raise Ally Icon Raise Ally Combat resurrection
Mind Freeze Icon Mind Freeze Single target interrupt
Strangulate Icon Strangulate Single target, ranged interrupt and silence
Crowd Control
Chains of Ice Icon Chains of Ice Single target slow
Death Grip Icon Death Grip Pulls target to Death Knight's location and taunts it (does not work on bosses)
Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell Magic damage absorption and debuff application immunity
Death Strike Icon Death Strike Self healing
Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude 20% damage reduction and stun removal

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