General Information
On this page, we list your Fury Warrior coreabilities and how they should be used together (rotation) in World of WarcraftMoP 5.4. We also explain whento use your various cooldowns. Then, we go deeper and present all the subtletiesthat you will need to know if you want to excel at playing a FuryWarrior.
The other pages of our Fury Warrior guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.
1. Preface↑top
Playing a Fury Warrior properly (in a way that results in good DPS andbeyond) is more difficult than in the case of most other classes. You can doreasonable DPS if you execute a simple rotation, but your DPS will not becompetitive until you learn to master the rotation and playstyle infull.
In the section that follows, we will present a rather basic version of therotation, that will allow you to get started and play your Warrior withreasonably good results.
Keep in mind, though, that if you wish to be trulyproficient at playing your Fury Warrior, you will need to master the advanced rotation.
2. Single Target Rotation↑top
To begin with, you should always cast
Colossus Smash on cooldown, andsave your rage so that you go into Colossus Smash with a full rage pool.
Storm Bolt plays an important part in therotation. Make sure to read our dedicated section to learn more about how to use Storm Bolt.
Outside of Colossus Smash, you should make use of
Heroic Strike onlyto avoid being at maximum rage.
When the boss is below 20% health,
Execute becomes much moreimportant. Outside of Colossus Smash, you should use it instead of
Heroic Strike (to ensure that you do not cap your rage). During ColossusSmash, you should mostly use
Execute, only using
Bloodthirst whenyou are below 30 rage), and
Raging Blow only when both Execute andBloodthirst are unavailable.
3. Multiple Target Rotation↑top
The AoE rotation depends on how many adds you are facing and how good yourrage generation is. In any case, you should always make sure to use
Heroic Leap against the targets, if possible.
If you are facing 2-3 enemies you should perform a single targetrotation with a few modifications:
If you are facing 4 or more enemies, you should maintain thefollowing rotation for as long as your rage allows you to:
If benefiting from the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus, you should weave in
Colossus Smash as well, since the extra rage will help you cast moreWhirlwinds.
If you are facing 8 or more enemies, simply use
Bloodthirstas needed to remain enraged, and spam
Whirlwind while weaving in
Colossus Smash. Make sure to use
Raging Blow at 3 stacks of
Meat Cleaver.
4. Cooldown Usage↑top
As a Fury Warrior, you have several DPS cooldowns. Additionally, you canobtain two more DPS cooldowns from your talents of choice.
Berserker Rage should be used to help with your
Enrage uptime. This is subtle, and we tackle it in depthin a later section.
Recklessness should be used as many times as possible throughoutthe encounter. It is ideal to stack it with other cooldowns.
Skull Banner should be used as many times as possible throughoutthe fight, but keep in mind that the rest of your raid should benefit fromthis as well.
Shattering Throw is essentially a raid cooldown, so keep in mindthat the rest of your raid should benefit from it as well.
For more details on these cooldowns, as well as on the cooldowns granted toyou by your talents, refer to our detailedcooldown usage section.
5. Stance↑top
Battle Stance grants you a lot of rage with each melee attack youmake, but grants you no rage from damage taken.
Berserker Stance grants you half the rage that Battle Stance does,from your melee attacks, but also grants you rage from damage taken. If youare taking at least 3-4% of your maximum health in damage each second (or ifyou anticipate a large damage spike will hit you), it becomes a DPS gain to bein Berserker Stance .
Other than this, there is no difference between the stances, and yourabilities are not conditioned at all by your current stance.
6. Mastering Your Fury Warrior↑top
The guidelines given above will enable you to play your Fury Warriorwith good results. If you want to push things further and master yourcharacter, then we advise you to continue reading.
6.1. Titan's Grip or Single-Minded Fury
At the moment, Titan's Grip provides slightly higher DPS in single-targetsituations, and a much higher gain in AoE when compared to Single-Minded Fury,assuming equal item level weapons. The important thing is weapon damage,though, meaning that you should choose based on what your best Main-Handweapon is.
So, you are better off with an item level 535 Main-Hand and a 509 Off-Hand,than with two 522 weapons.
6.2. Rage Generation
By default, your rage is generated from two sources:
- Dealing damage with auto attacks.
- Using special abilities that generate rage (
Bloodthirst, etc.).
Exceptionally, if you are in
Berserker Stance, you also generaterage from damage taken.
Your rage is mostly used by abilities in your rotation, although someutility spells also cost rage.
6.3. Advanced Rotation
The entire Fury Warrior rotation revolves around the periods of time whenthe
Colossus Smash debuff is up on the target. While you are outside ofa Colossus Smash phase, you will essentially be preparing yourself (poolingrage, saving certain abilities) for Colossus Smash being applied. WhileColossus Smash is active, you will need to perform the most efficient sequenceof abilities possible to make the most of the debuff. Finally, you will have totreat things a bit differently when the boss is below 20% health. We treateach case below, and then go into more detail lateron in the guide.
The following outline is a fairly advanced overview of how to play Fury toa very high level. However, Fury is a playstyle that requires both following along priority and gambling on procs and critical strikes to reach maximumpotential. While this priority is accurate, there are simply too many ifs,ands, or buts regarding the intricacies within it to present here. Youwill have to discern much of this yourself by getting a feel for how often your
Bloodthirst scores a critical strike, how quickly you will gain rage,how long until a DPS stop occurs, how long until an AoE DPS phase comes about,and so on. This will force you to think on your feet and alter your thoughtprocess regarding many of the choices you must make. This is something you willsimply have to practice in order to get better at.
6.3.1. Outside Colossus Smash
When the debuff from
Colossus Smash is not active, you should followthis priority system. Note that if you have the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus, youcan lower any rage thresholds by about 15-20.
Storm Bolt plays an important part in therotation. Make sure to read our dedicated section to learn more about how to use Storm Bolt.
- Use
Heroic Strike
- Use
Dragon Roar.
- Use
- Only when you have 1 charge of Raging Blow.
- Use
Colossus Smash
- You should have at least 1 charge of
Raging Blow when this abilitycomes off cooldown.
- Use
Raging Blow
- Only when you have 2 charges.
- Directly after a
Colossus Smash, you can spend any extra chargesimmediately.
- Use
Execute (when it is a proc from the 4-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus)
- If the difference between the time remaining on the proc and the cooldownof
Colossus Smash is 3 seconds or less, use it on the firstopportunity.
- If the difference is 4.5 seconds or greater, hold on the proc for thecoming Colossus Smash window.
- Use
Wild Strike
- Use
Raging Blow
- Only if you have 1 charge and you are certain that you will still have atleast 1 charge again when
Colossus Smash comes off cooldown.
- Use
Wild Strike
- Only if you have over 110 rage, the global cooldown would not otherwisebe used by
Colossus Smash, or
Raging Blow, andColossus Smash still has 3 seconds left on cooldown.
- Use
Impending Victory.
- Use
Battle Shout or
Commanding Shout
- Only if you have less than 50 rage.
- Use
Heroic Throw.
- Do nothing (if none of the above steps meet their conditions).
6.3.2. During Colossus Smash
While the
Colossus Smash debuff is active, the very first cooldownshould be used on
Storm Bolt (unless you are saving an
Execute procfrom the 4-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus that will otherwise expire), while the restof your rotation is as follows:
Storm Bolt plays an important part in therotation. Make sure to read our dedicated section to learn more about how to use Storm Bolt.
- Use
Berserker Rage
- Use it to force a charge of
Raging Blow in case
Bloodthirstdoes not score a critical strike or you need to otherwise fill a globalcooldown.
- Use
Heroic Leap.
- Use
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow
- Only if you have 2 charges.
- Use
- Use
Execute (when it is a proc from the 4-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus).
- Use
Raging Blow
- Only if you have 1 charge.
- Use
Wild Strike
6.3.3. Execute Range Outside Colossus Smash
Note that if you have the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus, youcan lower any rage thresholds by about 15-20.
Due to the rage income you have with the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus and highergear levels, you can sometimes treat situations of high rage as
Bloodthirst instead of
Bloodthirst. This is because the enrage effectfrom each Bloodthirst lasts long enough to cover the 3 global cooldowns to thenext Bloodthirst, and the damage from
Execute will yield higher DPS.
As a Titan's Grip Warrior, it is important not to waste charges of
Raging Blow, as they are extremely efficient in terms of damage per ragespent.
Storm Bolt plays an important part in therotation. Make sure to read our dedicated section to learn more about how to use Storm Bolt.
- Use
Dragon Roar.
- Use
Colossus Smash.
- Use
- Use
Raging Blow
- Only when you have 2 charges.
- Use
- Use
Raging Blow
- Only if you have 1 charge, and less than 60 rage.
- Use
Wild Strike
- Use
Battle Shout or
Commanding Shout
- Only if you have less than 50 rage.
- Use
Heroic Throw.
- Do nothing (if none of the above steps meet their conditions).
6.3.4. Execute Range During Colossus Smash
After using
Colossus Smash, the very first cooldown should be used on
Storm Bolt, while the rest of your rotation should be exactly as wedescribe below.
Depending on how much rage you have, and the time until
Colossus Smash,you should use a rotation of
Bloodthirst -
Execute - Execute -
Raging Blow - Bloodthirst, so as to get the most out of your enrage procsand bleed extra rage. How much and when you should be using this is up to yourdiscretion.
Storm Bolt plays an important part in therotation. Make sure to read our dedicated section to learn more about how to use Storm Bolt.
- Use
Heroic Leap.
- Use
- Use
- Use
Raging Blow.
6.4. Opening Rotation
Dragon Roar is not your Tier 4 talent of choice, fillthe global cooldown with
Heroic Throw, and overlap any assignedcooldown for that step with
Colossus Smash.
Always ensure that the Colossus Smash debuff is up on the target beforeusing your first
Heroic Strike.
Any abilities on the same line should be used during the same globalcooldown. Cooldowns on the same line as an ability should always beactivated before the spell is cast, so that they may benefit from itseffect.
6.4.1. Without 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus
- Use your
Battle Shout or
Commanding Shout and your potion (3seconds before the pull).
- Begin casting
Shattering Throw (1.5 seconds before the pull).
- Use
- Use
- Wait until
Bloodthirst comes off cooldown.
- Use
- Use
Dragon Roar and
Skull Banner (also use
Synapse Springsand your DPS-increasing racial ability, if applicable).
- Use
Colossus Smash,
Heroic Strike, and
- Use
Storm Bolt and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike
- Only if you have 2 charges of Raging Blow. Otherwise use Bloodthirst.
- Use
Bloodthirst and
Heroic Strike
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike
If you have not taken the
Storm Bolt talent, do as follows:
- Use your
Battle Shout or
Commanding Shout and your potion (3seconds before the pull).
- Begin casting
Shattering Throw (1.5 seconds before the pull).
- Use
- Use
- Wait until
Bloodthirst comes off cooldown.
- Use
- Use
Dragon Roar and
Skull Banner (also use
Synapse Springsand your DPS-increasing racial ability, if applicable).
- Use
Colossus Smash,
Heroic Strike, and
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Bloodthirst and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike
6.4.2. With 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus
- Use your
Battle Shout or
Commanding Shout and your potion (3seconds before the pull).
- Begin casting
Shattering Throw (1.5 seconds before the pull).
- Use
- Use
- Use
Dragon Roar and
Skull Banner (also use
Synapse Springsand your DPS-increasing racial ability, if applicable).
- Use
Berserker Rage if the previous Bloodthirst was not a criticalstrike.
- Use
Colossus Smash,
Heroic Strike, and
- Use
Storm Bolt and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike
- Only if you have 2 charges of Raging Blow. Otherwise use Bloodthirst.
- Use
Bloodthirst and
Heroic Strike
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike
If you have not taken the
Storm Bolt talent, do as follows:
- Use your
Battle Shout or
Commanding Shout and your potion (3seconds before the pull).
- Begin casting
Shattering Throw (1.5 seconds before the pull).
- Use
- Use
- Use
Dragon Roar and
Skull Banner (also use
Synapse Springsand your DPS-increasing racial ability, if applicable).
- Use
Berserker Rage if the previous Bloodthirst was not a criticalstrike.
- Use
Colossus Smash,
Heroic Strike, and
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Bloodthirst and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike.
- Use
Raging Blow and
Heroic Strike
6.5. Key Concepts
6.5.1. Enrage
Each time you critically strike with
Bloodthirst and
Colossus Smash, you become enraged, dealing 10% increased physicaldamage for 6 seconds. This will happen passively, so you do not need toconcern yourself with it too much. Being enraged doubles the healing effect of
Enraged Regeneration (if you have taken this talent) so it is advisableto have a way of monitoring this buff.
Note that your Mastery increases the damage bonus from enrage past the base10%.
6.5.2. Bloodthirst Usage
As a rule,
Bloodthirst is your most important damaging ability,because it generates rage and enrages you. So, this ability should be used oncooldown, except for when the boss is below 20% health and the
Colossus Smash debuff is applied.
Essentially, you will use Bloodthirst every third global cooldown, withtwo filler spells in between. Choosing your filler should be done based onthe priorities listed at the top of the page, all while taking into accounthow much rage you currently have.
As we mentioned before, it is sometimes viable to do nothing for one ortwo global cooldowns between Bloothirsts, in order to conserve rage for whenyou use
Colossus Smash.
6.5.3. Colossus Smash
Properly managing the debuff applied by
Colossus Smash is a crucialaspect to Fury DPS.
The general rule is that you want to use as many damaging abilities (andyour most damaging abilities) while the debuff is active. Given its duration,you will at most fit 4 global cooldowns in, although with latency, 3 is amore realistic number. In addition to this, you can use abilities that areoff the global cooldown.
To begin with, you should always prepare for a Colossus Smash, and onlycast it if the following conditions are true.
- You have a high amount of rage (at least 80).
- You have one or two charges of
Raging Blow.
- You are enraged.
If you are not enraged, then you should use
Berserker Rage to enrageyourself, and if Berserker Rage is not available, you should delay yourColossus Smash until you become enraged from a Bloodthirst, or untilBerserker Rage becomes available.
This is the ideal Colossus Smash spell sequence (not necessarily in thisorder, all that matters is the combination of abilities used in a giventime frame):
All the while, you should be spamming
Heroic Strike (of which youshould be able to land up to 5), and ideally alsodamaging the boss with
Heroic Leap. As you can tell, that requires a lotof rage, so it is recommended to save your abilities and pool rage inpreparation for a Colossus Smash.
While the boss is in execute range,
Execute becomes the toppriority under Colossus Smash.
In addition to this ability usage, it is very important to have as manyDPS cooldowns up as possible while
Colossus Smash is up. Most importantly,you should try to line up
Skull Banner, and
Synapse Springs (for engineers) with ColossusSmash.
Dragon Roar already ignores armor and therefore does not benefitfrom Colossus Smash.
6.5.4. Wild Strike and Bloodsurge
Bloodsurge passive ability talent grants your
Bloodthirsts a chance to make your next 3
Wild Strikes be free ofcost and only trigger a 1-second global cooldown.
You should have a means of tracking when this proc is active, through anadd-on such as Power Auras.
Wild Strikes that benefit from a Bloodsurge proc are a much higherpriority than those that not. In fact, as you can notice from the prioritylist above, Wild Strikes that do not benefit from a Bloodsurge proc shouldonly be used as a means to dump rage.
6.5.5. Raging Blow
Raging Blow is not available by default. It becomes available eachtime you become enraged (either from
Enrage or
Berserker Rage). Each time you become enraged, you can use RagingBlow once. If your two enrages stack (either because you used Berserker Ragewhile you were enraged, or because Enrage procs while Berserker Rage isactive), you will be allowed to use Raging Blow twice.
6.5.6. Wild Strike Versus Heroic Strike
When outside of a
Colossus Smash window, maximising damage isextremely important. One of the more subtle ways to ensure your output isoptimal is to know when to use
Wild Strike or
Heroic Strike as arage dumping tool. Unless your main hand weapon is considerably better thanyour off-hand weapon (a difference of 20 item levels or so), Wild Strike willdeal more damage than Heroic Strike. However, you must also discern on the flywhich of these abilities is best to use as a rage bleed based on thebasic fundamental variables of the Fury priority, such as rage, time untilColossus Smash, number of
Raging Blow charges, and number of globalcooldowns until
For example, if you have 100 rage, 1 Raging Blow charge, Bloodthirst hasjust been used, and Colossus Smash will not be available for another 6 seconds,it would be optimal to use Wild Strike in one of the two global cooldowns youhave available. Inversely, if both of those global cooldowns can be filled withhigher damaging abilities (like Raging Blow or
Storm Bolt), it would bebest to pair one or both of those global cooldowns with a Heroic Strike. Youwill also have to be on the look-out for free Wild Strikes (thanks to
Bloodsurge procs), in which case you should pair the Wild Strike with aHeroic Strike if necessary to dump rage.
This is not something that a player who is new to the Fury specialisationshould try to learn, but it is important for those wishing to truly masterthe playstyle.
6.5.7. 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus and Rotational Changes
The 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus causes special attacks madeagainst a target affected by
Colossus Smash to generate 5 rage. Whilethis is quite a simple bonus, it has added a lot of complexity to theplaystyle.
To begin with, acquiring this set bonus allows you to drop practicallyevery rage threshold by around 15-25 rage, depending mostly on your ability toplay Fury, as a higher understanding of the priority list will yield moreefficient rage burning, and therefore make you expend rage in the mostoptimal of times. This will also mean that you will be filling more globalcooldowns with either
Heroic Strike or
Wild Strike, as you will notneed to save as much for each Colossus Smash. To put it into perspective, themaximum you can do inside a Colossus Smash is 4 special attacks and 5Heroic Strikes. That makes up 9 abilities, which will grant you a total of 45rage, enough for 1.5 free Heroic Strikes.
A good example of how the set bonus affects your playstyle is predictingincoming damage spikes. For example, in the Heroic mode of Garrosh Hellscream,when you are going to be using all cooldowns during a
Whirling Corruption(during Phase Two), you could completely empty your rage pool before a ColossusSmash, since the combination of the raid damage and the set bonus procs willsustain your rage requirements for the entire Colossus Smash window.
You can also dump all of your rage until about 9 seconds to the nextColossus Smash, since the natural rage regeneration and the set bonus will bemore than enough for a proper Colossus Smash window.
In the end, a lot of the changes that this set bonus brings depend on yourskill level, specifically on your ability to adequately decide when to and whennot to use extra rage. As it was said in the foreword of the advanced furyrotation area, there are just too many variables to list. While this sectionshould have given you an outline of the idea, a lot of it you will have to pickup yourself as a player, the more time you spend with the class, getting toknow your own rage incoming, and matching it against every global cooldownwhile saving enough rage for each Colossus Smash. If you are not certain thatyou have the skill and experience to assess these conditions, it is best notto try at all, and to err on the side of caution.
6.5.8. Sunder Armor
If no one else in your raid is providing the
Sunder Armor debuff,then you should make sure to be using
Glyph of Colossus Smash. This willensure that your
Colossus Smash hits always apply/refresh thedebuff.
6.6. Detailed Cooldown Usage
6.6.1. Recklessness
There is no great subtlety to using
Recklessness. Simply make sureto use it as many times as possible during the encounter, and try to stack itwith as many other cooldowns as possible (especially with
Skull Banner and
Time Warp).
6.6.2. War Banners
Skull Banner is by far the most important of your banners. While weadvise to always use it together with
Recklessness (and
Avatar, should you chose that talent), you must keep in mind that itis an extremely powerful raid buff. As such, if there is a time when yourraid would benefit more from using the cooldown, than you would by stacking itwith your other cooldowns, you should put the raid's best interests first.
Demoralizing Banner is also a raid cooldown of sorts, although it isa fairly weak one. You should coordinate with your raid leader, or at leastwith your tanks, in order to figure out the best time to use it.
Mocking Banner is mostly useless in PvE raids, but it could havesome merit against adds.
6.6.3. Berserker Rage
Berserker Rage is a very powerful DPS cooldown, especially sowhen you consider that it only has a 30-second cooldown. Berserker Rage mustbe considered together with
Their effects do not stack, so using Berserker Rage while Enrage is activeis a waste. As such, you should keep in mind that Enrage will proc off
Bloodthirst and
Colossus Smash critical strikes, and adjustyour Berserker Rage usage accordingly. Namely, you should use Berserker Rageto refresh your Enrage the moment it falls off, primarily when Bloodthirstfails to be a critical strike. Being enraged is one of the most importantaspects of playing a Fury Warrior, and having the highest possible Enrageuptime has a huge impact on your overall damage, since your Mastery is a directdamage buff to every attack you make.
6.6.4. Shattering Throw
Shattering Throw is a raid cooldown above all else. As such, youshould always prioritise your raid's best interests when determining the timeto use this ability. We advise that you consult with your raid leader, as wellas with other Warriors. Most of the time, however, you will prefer to castthis ability right as the boss is being pulled, since it costs no rage.
6.6.5. Tier 4 Talents
Bladestorm should be used as often as possible. That said,whenever there are moments of AoE damage coming up, you should save it forthose moments.
Titan's Grip users should read this section to see how Bladestorm can be used against a single target.
Shockwave and
Dragon Roar are both valuable when usedagainst a single target, despite the fact that they are designed with multipletargets in mind. As such, no matter what you choose, you should incorporate itinto your rotation by using it more or less on cooldown. If you are using
Dragon Roar, do not cast it while
Colossus Smash is active (use iteither before or after the Colossus Smash window).
Consider the multiple target properties of these abilities, andif there is a situation that is suited for them, try to save them for thattime. For example, if a pack of adds is just about to spawn, it is fine todelay your ability slightly so as to make better use of it, especially if itis important that these adds die quickly. Note also that, as we mentioned onthe talents page, the damage of Dragon Roar drops off sharply if it hits morethan one target, so if there is a "main" target you wish to prioritise, makesure Dragon Roar only hits that target.
6.6.6. Tier 6 Talents
Avatar should be stacked with
Recklessness and
Skull Banner at all times.
Bloodbath should be used on cooldown.
Storm Bolt should be used in different ways depending on whether or notyou have a cooldown reduction trinket, and if yes, depending on how powerfulit is. Also keep in mind that Storm Bolt does considerably less damage againststunnable targets (which most adds are), so unless killing those adds is amassive priority, consider saving it for the boss.
6.6.7. Proper Storm Bolt Usage
Storm Bolt is a powerful ability, and how you utilise it in yourrotation will depend on certain factors, as will be outlined below.
- If you do not have any form of
Evil Eye of Galakras, use yourStorm Bolt on cooldown, with every other use being inside a
Colossus Smash.
- If you do have an
Evil Eye of Galakras, then ensure to use yourStorm Bolt inside every Colossus Smash. Due to the cooldown being slightlymisaligned with Colossus Smash, make sure it is always your first globalcooldown inside a Colossus Smash (or at least as close to the start aspossible). If necessary, delay Colossus Smash so that Storm Bolt will fitinside of it.
- If you do have an
Evil Eye of Galakras, and it is item level 580,it is no longer of paramount importance for Storm Bolt to always be the firstglobal cooldown inside of Colossus Smash. Instead, use it as a replacement for
Raging Blow or
Execute at the first possible opportunity, as long asit is within the first three global cooldowns. The reason for this is that thefourth global cooldown will cut it fairly close to Colossus Smash running out,and the travel time that Storm Bolt has could possibly make it not hit intime.
6.6.8. Bladestorm for Single Target
Due to recent theorycrafting findings, it has come to light thatfor
Titan's Grip users,
Bladestorm is actually the optimal singletarget talent, and therefore it is technically the best Tier 4 talent to takein every situation in this tier. The reason for this is that by using acancelaura macro to end the Bladestorm on the 4th or 5th tick, you canspend the full allotment of time between two
Bloodthirsts in aBladestorm, and then immediately break the cast so you can re-cast Bloodthirstwithout delay. You should not use
Berserker Rage to re-enrage before aBladestorm, so that you can possibly skip canceling it early forBloodthirst.
However, it is still advisable that on fights that have phases of bothsingle and multiple target situations, you always save Bladestorm for theAoE situations. For example, you can use it for single-target in the firstphase of the Heroic Thok encounter, as long as it will be up in time for usingit on the Captive Cave Bats.
The last thing to note is that the usage of Bladestorm as a single targetDPS gain is reliant on your weapon being as good as your overall gear. If yourweapon is not as good as your average item level (such as it being 20 itemlevels below, for example), we recommend keeping
Dragon Roar as yoursingle target Tier 4 talent of choice.
6.7. Cooldown Reduction Trinkets
If you have a cooldown reduction trinket, this will reduce the cooldowns ofyour Tier 4 and 6 talents,
Heroic Leap,
Die by the Sword, and
Shield Wall. This leads to a few changes in theway some of these abilities should be used.
Dragon Roar should be used on cooldown (either before or after a
Colossus Smash window, but never during).
Recklessness should be used in different ways depending on howlarge the cooldown reduction is (this is determined by the item level ofyour trinket). If your Recklessness cooldown is greatly reduced, allowingyou to use it every 2 minutes, then you should use it (after the initial use)at the 2-minute mark, and you should save your
Skull Banner and use ittogether with
Recklessness again at the 4-minute mark. If yourRecklessness cooldown is greater than 2 minutes and (roughly) 15 seconds,then you are better off using it together with
Skull Banner at the3-minute mark.
In order to reduce the cooldown of
Recklessness by enough to make itviable to use every 2 minutes, you will need a Flexible raid version of
Evil Eye of Galakras with 2/2 item upgrades performed on it, orbetter.
Finally, if the cooldown of
Storm Bolt is around 21.5 seconds, thenyou should delay it by a single global cooldown so that it can be your firstability inside a
Colossus Smash window.
Make sure to read the previous section to understand the best usage ofStorm Bolt.
7. Changelog↑top
- 01 Mar. 2014: Made several updates, especially regarding theviability of
Bladestorm as a single-target talent.
- 16 Dec. 2013: Removed
Storm Bolt from the advanced rotationlists, and added more emphasis on the importance of reading the Storm BoltUsage section.
- 28 Nov. 2013: Made various tweaks, and added a new sectionexplaining the proper
Storm Bolt usage.
- 17 Oct. 2013: Made several improvements to the rotation sections.Moved the basic rotation section to the start of the guide, and the advancedrotation down below. Added an opening rotation section, and also sections onHeroic Strike vs. Wild Strike, and on using the 2-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus.
- 15 Oct. 2013: Made a few tweaks to the latest updates to ensureaccuracy, and added a section about cooldown reduction trinkets.
- 13 Oct. 2013: Made several updates following Jalopy's review.
- Completely revamped the single and multiple target rotations.
- Removed the
Deep Wounds section since it was completelyunnecessary.
- Added a mention that it is mostly ideal to use
Shattering Throw atthe pull.
- Improved the suggested uses of Tier 5 and 6 talents.
- 12 Sep. 2013: Patch 5.4 update.
- Updated the Tier 4 talent section to account for the fact that
Bladestorm is no longer an unwanted ability against a single target.
- 20 May 2013: Patch 5.3 update: nothing to change.
- 07 May 2013: Removed mention of
Glyph of Raging Wind being a DPSincrease for Titan's Grip Warriors.
- 28 Apr. 2013: Further clarified and refined the single targetrotation/priority. No changes in content have been made, but certain thingshave been rephrased to make it easier to understand. Also added a more specificmention for cooldown stacking during Colossus Smash. Added a preface thatexplains why the initial single target rotation for Fury Warriors is socomplex, as well as a section that provides a basic look at the rotation.
- 25 Apr. 2013: Specified that
Bloodthirst should be used oncooldown at all times except when the target is below 20% health and the
Colossus Smash debuff is active (as opposed to simply when the target isbelow 20% health).
- 23 Apr. 2013: Made considerable updates to the entire page.Revamped the rotation section, and added sections on
Bloodthirst and
Colossus Smash usage.
- 04 Mar. 2013: Patch 5.2 update.
- Removed mentions of Deadly Calm, following its removal from thegame.