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Holy Priest Healing Statistics Priority and Reforging (MoP 5.4.8)

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General Information

On this page, we explain what the best statistics are for HolyPriests in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4, how the class benefits fromeach of them, andwhat your reforging strategy should be. We also detail what the various capsare (if any) and why they should be attained.

The statistics priority is important as itinfluences reforging strategies as well as itemisation choices(gear, enchants, and gems).

Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for thisarticle.

The other pages of our Holy Priest guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.


1. Basics↑top

The stat priority for a Holy Priest differs between 25-man and 10-manraiding.

1.1. 25-man

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spirit;
  3. Mastery Rating;
  4. Critical Strike Rating;
  5. Haste Rating.

1.2. 10-man

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spirit;
  3. Haste Rating (until the soft cap);
  4. Critical Strike Rating;
  5. Mastery Rating. 

2. Getting a Better Understanding↑top

2.1. Statistics Explanations

Intellect is your primary stat. You should look for this stat in allof your upgrades. It provides you with Spell Power, which increases the powerof your heals, and increases your critical strike chance.

Spirit is a very important statistic for all healers and Holy Priestsare no exception. As a Holy Priest, you do not lack the abilities to doenormous amounts of healing, and your only limiting factor will often be yourmana. You should aim to get innate Spirit on all of your items.

Mastery Rating increases the amount of healing done by yourMastery: Echo of Light Icon Mastery: Echo of Light. This causes each one of your direct heals to place aHoT on the target, healing for a percentage of the initial heal over 6seconds. Successive applications of this HoT do stack. In terms ofthroughput, Mastery is the best statistic.

Note that in 10-man raiding, Mastery is of low importance since it does notbenefit from Renew Icon Renew (which is used extensively).

Critical Strike Rating is not considered valuable, due to itsunpredictability and its lower healing throughput.

Haste Rating lowers the cast time of your heals (especiallyuseful for Prayer of Healing Icon Prayer of Healing), lowers your global cooldown (whichbenefits all of your instant cast spells) and can adds extra ticks to yourRenew Icon Renew, Lightwell Icon Lightwell, and Holy Word: Sanctuary Icon Holy Word: Sanctuary. There are severalsoft caps for your Haste Rating, which are amounts of haste at which theabove-mentioned spells (most importantly Renew Icon Renew) gain extra ticks.

In 25-man raiding, Renew Icon Renew is not used often enough that you shouldgo out of your way to gain any additional Haste Rating. Therefore, we do notadvise 25-man raiders to go for any of the soft caps.

In 10-man raiding, where Renew Icon Renew is used extensively,there is an important soft haste cap.

2.2. 10-man Soft Haste Cap

At 16.66% haste, you get an additional tick of Renew Icon Renew. In the processof reaching that cap, you will also gain 3 additional ticks ofHoly Word: Sanctuary Icon Holy Word: Sanctuary (the third additional tick being gained at 16.65% haste)and an additional tick of Lightwell Icon Lightwell (at 16.65% haste).

Below you will find the Haste Rating values you need, to reach this16.66% soft haste cap.

+5% Spell Haste Raid Buff Goblin? Haste Rating Needed
NO NO 7082
NO YES 6592
YES NO 4721
YES YES 4254

If you have heard about a soft haste cap at 3039 Haste Rating, it corresponds to the12.51% haste value at which you gain an additional tick of Renew Icon Renew when not usingGlyph of Renew Icon Glyph of Renew. Since we consider this glyph to be mandatory, we chose to ignorethe soft haste cap for unglyphed Renew Icon Renew.

3. Changelog↑top

  • 10 Sep. 2013: Patch 5.4 update: nothing to change.
  • 20 May 2013: Patch 5.3 update: nothing to change.
  • 19 Apr. 2013: Added 10-man stat priority. Added a mention on whyMastery Rating is not desirable in 10-man. Mentioned the 10-man soft hastecap.
  • 28 Mar. 2013: Updated statistic priority for Patch 5.2 trends.More specifically, listed Mastery Rating as the most valuable statistic, andHaste Rating as the least valuable.

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