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Protection Paladin Tank Gems, Enchants, Professions, and Consumables (MoP 5.4.8)

Protection Paladin Art Image
General Information

On this page, we present you with the best gems and enchants fora Protection Paladin in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4.We also list the best consumables (food, flasks, and potions) andprofession-specific perks.

Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for this page.

The other pages of our Protection Paladin guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.


1. Gems↑top

Gem choice will vary based on your raid category (10 or 25, Normal orHeroic), healers setup, raid composition, and personal preference. WhileStamina is generally your best raw survivability stat, it is common to findyourself in a situation where adding more survivability is less advantageousthan adding more DPS, or than increasing another stat for a smallersurvivability gain in a more specific situation.

Below we list both Stamina and non-Stamina options for each socket type.Players who value Stamina highly will likely use pure Stamina gems in bluesockets, and hybrid Stamina gems in yellow or red sockets. Players who do notvalue Stamina as highly will gravitate more towards secondary stat gemsaccording to their gearing strategy. If you are unsure of what to choose, werecommend playing it safe and choosing the Stamina or hybrid Stamina options,and then adjusting your gem choices as you become more experienced inevaluating your needs.

Sockets Gems
Meta Socket Austere Primal Diamond Icon Austere Primal Diamond or Indomitable Primal Diamond Icon Indomitable Primal Diamond (better)
Blue Socket
Red Socket
Yellow Socket
Prismatic Socket

2. Enchants↑top

Slot Main Enchantments Extra Enchantments
Chest Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina Icon Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina  
Wrists Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer (Blacksmithing)
Rings Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina Icon Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina (Enchanting)  
Shield Enchant Shield - Greater Parry Icon Enchant Shield - Greater Parry  

Note that Extra Enchantments can be applied to an item in addition to aMain Enchantment.

3. Consumables↑top

3.1. Food

We advise you to always eat food that gives you Stamina. You will begranted:

3.2. Flask

For the vast majority of encounters, you should use a Flask of the Earth Icon Flask of the Earth.Your other option is Flask of Winter's Bite Icon Flask of Winter's Bite, which grants you Strength.Strength provides you with increased DPS/threat, as well as increasing yourchance to parry.

Finally, it is possible to use a combination of elixirs. The bestcombinations are either Elixir of the Rapids Icon Elixir of the Rapids and Mantid Elixir Icon Mantid Elixir, orMonk's Elixir Icon Monk's Elixir and Mantid Elixir Icon Mantid Elixir.

3.3. Potion

During the encounter, your best choice for a potion will bePotion of the Mountains Icon Potion of the Mountains for physical damage andMaster Healing Potion Icon Master Healing Potion for magic damage.

4. Summing-up Profession Perks↑top

Choosing a profession for your Protection Paladin can impact your raidperformance. As a rule, you should shy away from gathering professions (withthe exception of Mining), which leaves the following viable professions forraiding:

Profession Perks
Blacksmithing Provides a 640 Haste Rating or 480 Stamina gain through two extra sockets, Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves Icon Socket Gloves, in which you can fit 2 Quick Sun's Radiance Icon Quick Sun's Radiance or 2 Solid River's Heart Icon Solid River's Heart.
Jewelcrafting Provides a 320 Haste Rating gain through the ability to use 2 Quick Serpent's Eye Icon Quick Serpent's Eye, or a 480 Stamina gain through the ability to use 2 Solid Serpent's Eye Icon Solid Serpent's Eye (if you gem for Stamina).
Engineering Provides +1,920 Strength for 10 seconds every minute through Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs (the overall gain is +320 Strength), which translates into a higher chance to parry. Engineering also provides a belt addon called Frag Belt Icon Frag Belt, which you can use every minute (off the global cooldown) for additional damage, as well as Nitro Boosts, which may have situational uses.
Alchemy Provides a 480 Stamina gain to your flask through Mixology Icon Mixology.
Leatherworking Provides +750 Stamina through Fur Lining - Stamina Icon Fur Lining - Stamina, instead of the usual +170 Dodge provided by Enchant Bracer - Major Dodge Icon Enchant Bracer - Major Dodge or +170 Mastery provided by Enchant Bracer - Mastery Icon Enchant Bracer - Mastery. Also provides Heavy Leg Reinforcements Icon Heavy Leg Reinforcements, a much cheaper equivalent to Ironscale Leg Armor Icon Ironscale Leg Armor, the traditional leg enchant.
Enchanting Provides a 480 Stamina gain through Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina Icon Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina.
Inscription Provides a 480 Stamina gain through Secret Ox Horn Inscription Icon Secret Ox Horn Inscription.
Mining Provides a 480 Stamina gain, through Toughness Icon Toughness.

5. Changelog↑top

  • 13 Jan. 2014: Added new food items added in patch 5.4.
  • 10 Sep. 2013: Patch 5.4 update.
  • 20 May 2013: Patch 5.3 update: nothing to change.
  • 24 Apr. 2013: Added legendary meta-gem.
  • 04 Apr. 2013: AddedFractured Sun's Radiance Icon Fractured Sun's Radiance/Perfect Fractured Sunstone Icon Perfect Fractured Sunstone or Fractured Serpent's Eye Icon Fractured Serpent's Eye (JC) as aprismatic socket option for the Control/Mastery priority. Also addedEngineering belt attachments as options. Changed the recommended Engineeringhand tinker to Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs in the profession perk section.
  • 02 Apr. 2013: Removed green-quality gems.
  • 31 Mar. 2013: Made several changes.
    • Added different gem tables for each of the three statistic priorities, aswell as an introductory paragraph that hopefully sheds more light on how tochoose your gems.
    • Added various enchants to the enchants section.
    • Fixed the mention of the only viable gathering profession to correctlysuggest Mining instead of Herbalism.

2015 0.7