Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.21.
![]() General Information
On this page, we explain what the best statistics are for ProtectionWarriors in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4, how the class benefits fromeach of them, andwhat your reforging strategy should be. We also detail what the various capsare (if any) and why they should be attained. The statistics priority is important as itinfluences reforging strategies as well as itemisation choices(gear, enchants, and gems). Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for thisarticle. The other pages of our Protection Warrior guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. 1. Basics↑topAs of Patch 5.4, there are two different but equally viable gearingstrategies. We present them both below, and then advise you on how to choosebetween them in a specific section. 1.1. Full Avoidance
This gearing strategy takes advantage of the fact that 1.2. Full Critical Strike Rating
This gearing strategy bypasses Dodge and Parry Rating (resulting in farfewer dodges and parries), going straight for Critical Strike Rating, thereforegranting you more rage. 2. Getting a Better Understanding↑topHit Rating and Expertise Rating, until their caps of 7.5% and15% respectively, will provide you with the best increase in survivability andthreat output. Reaching these caps ensures that all of your Parry Rating and Dodge Rating give youavoidance, and thanks to Mastery Rating is an important statistic for a ProtectionWarrior. Through Critical Strike Rating increases your rage generation thanks to the Most encounters have abilities that cannot bemitigated or avoided. Also, you need to have a decent amount of health, inorder to give yourself the chance to be healed before a subsequent attackkills you. In addition to this minimum amount of Stamina, we feel thatStamina remains quite valuable for Protection Warriors. In addition to theamount of Stamina found innately on your gear, we advise you to obtain someadditional Stamina, particularly through gemming. 2.1. Should I Gear for Avoidance? Critical Strike Rating? Mastery?Your Hit and Expertise Rating caps are essential in any reforging strategyyou choose to go for. They maximise your rage generation, and more rage meansmore When choosing the next secondary statistic(s) to go for, you have twooptions. The first option that is to go for Dodge and Parry Rating. This notonly grants you a lot of avoided damage over the course of a fight, but thanksto As an alternative, you can skip the entire avoidance part of theabove-mentioned gearing strategy, and you can go straight for Critical StrikeRating. This will provide you with even more rage generation (so, you can useeven more Finally, another option is to go for Mastery Rating after your Hitand Expertise caps. This will cause you to struggle to maintain highShield Block uptimes, and it will leave you with no excess rage, so we do notrecommend it. 2.2. Hit CapAt level 90, most races require 2,550 Hit Rating to reach themelee hit cap. Draenei, thanks to 2.3. Expertise CapAt level 90, most races require 5,100 Expertise Rating to reachthe expertise cap. Some races, in some cases, only need 4,760 ExpertiseRating, thanks to passive racial skills:
3. Changelog↑top