Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.21.
![]() General Information
On this page, we explain what the best statistics are for RestorationShamans in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4, how the class benefits fromeach of them, andwhat your reforging strategy should be. We also detail what the various capsare (if any) and why they should be attained. The statistics priority is important as itinfluences reforging strategies as well as itemisation choices(gear, enchants, and gems). Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for thisarticle. The other pages of our Restoration Shaman guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. 1. Basics↑top
2. Getting a Better Understanding↑top2.1. Statistics ExplanationsSpirit increases your mana regeneration.You should always aim to have items with Spirit, whether itis found innately on the item or it is reforged. Once you are comfortable withyour mana regeneration, you can start prioritising other statistics.In addition to increasing mana regeneration, Spirit also increasesthe effectiveness of your Intellect is your primary stat. You should look for this stat in allof your upgrades. It provides you with Spell Power, which increases the powerof your heals, and increases your critical strike chance. Haste Rating is important as well because it lowers the cast timeof your heals, which is of particular value for As we will see below, there are several haste values of interest, whichwe call soft haste caps. After reaching a cap, you should simply ignoreHaste Rating and no longer prioritise it. Critical Strike Rating increasesyour throughput and your mana regeneration (through Mastery Rating increases your healing on targets with low health(through If you want to know more about the relative values of Mastery Rating andCritical Strike Rating, we advise you to read the following article:Resto Shaman Mastery - Pandaria Styleby Vixsin. 2.2. Soft Haste CapsThe soft haste caps are the following.
In the following sections, you will find the Haste Rating values that you needto reach the various soft haste caps that we deemed of interest. Every time,we consider whether you benefit from the +5% spell haste raid buff, whetheryou chose 2.2.1. 12.5% Soft Haste CapBelow you will find the Haste Rating values you need to reach the 12.5%(12.507%, to be precise) soft haste cap.
2.2.2. 25% Soft Haste CapBelow you will find the Haste Rating values you need to reach the 25%(25.026%, to be precise) soft haste cap.
2.2.3. 30% Soft Haste CapBelow you will find the Haste Rating values you need to reach the 30%(29.997%, to be precise) soft haste cap.
2.2.4. 33.29% Soft Haste CapBelow, you will find the Haste Rating values you need to reach the 33.29%(33.291%, to be precise) soft haste cap.
Note that the number of ticks you get with 2.2.5. 49.98% Soft Haste CapBelow you will find the Haste Rating values you need to reach the 49.98%(49.981%, to be precise) soft haste cap.
This cap used to be reachable only in Tier 16 Heroic gear, but with item upgrades, it can nowbe reached in Tier 16 Normal gear. 3. Changelog↑top