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Shadow Priest DPS Gems, Enchants, Professions, and Consumables (MoP 5.4.8)

Shadow Priest Art Image
General Information

On this page, we present you with the best gems and enchants fora Shadow Priest in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4.We also list the best consumables (food, flasks, and potions) andprofession-specific perks.

Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for this page.

The other pages of our Shadow Priest guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.


1. Gems↑top

If your item level is higher than 505, and your raid-buffed Spellpower isgreater than 30,000, you should gem as the table below suggests. If you do notmeet these requirements, we recommend gems for you below the table.

Sockets Gems
Meta Socket Burning Primal Diamond Icon Burning Primal Diamond or Sinister Primal Diamond Icon Sinister Primal Diamond (better)
Yellow SocketPrismatic Socket Quick Sun's Radiance Icon Quick Sun's Radiance/Perfect Quick Sunstone Icon Perfect Quick Sunstone
Red Socket Reckless Vermilion Onyx Icon Reckless Vermilion Onyx/Perfect Reckless Tiger Opal Icon Perfect Reckless Tiger Opal orBrilliant Serpent's Eye Icon Brilliant Serpent's Eye (JC)
Blue Socket

Note that if your item level is below 505, or if you do not have at least30,000 raid-buffed Spellpower, Haste Rating is not as desirable to you. Youshould, instead, use Brilliant Primordial Ruby Icon Brilliant Primordial Ruby in red and prismaticsockets, Reckless Vermilion Onyx Icon Reckless Vermilion Onyx in yellow sockets, andPurified Imperial Amethyst Icon Purified Imperial Amethyst in blue sockets. If you are having issuesreaching the hit cap through reforging alone, you can use pure spirit/hit gemsin blue sockets.



2. Enchants↑top

Slot Main Enchantments Extra Enchantments
Chest Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats Icon Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats  
Wrists Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer (Blacksmithing)
Waist   Living Steel Belt Buckle Icon Living Steel Belt Buckle
Rings Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect Icon Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect (Enchanting)  
Off-Hand Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect Icon Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect  

Note that Extra Enchantments can be applied to an item in addition to aMain Enchantment.

3. Consumables↑top

3.1. Food

You should always eat food that gives you Intellect. You will be granted:

3.2. Flask

Your flask should be a Flask of the Warm Sun Icon Flask of the Warm Sun.

3.3. Potion

During the encounter, your best choice for a potion will bePotion of the Jade Serpent Icon Potion of the Jade Serpent.

4. Summing-up Profession Perks↑top

Choosing a profession for your Shadow Priest can impact your raidperformance. As a rule, you should shy away from gathering professions (withthe exception of Herbalism), which leaves the following viable professions forraiding:

Profession Perks
Tailoring Provides a gain of approximately 320 Intellect through Lightweave Embroidery Icon Lightweave Embroidery. It also provides Sanctified Spellthread Icon Sanctified Spellthread, a much cheaper equivalent of Greater Pearlescent Spellthread Icon Greater Pearlescent Spellthread, the usual leg enchant.
Blacksmithing Provides a 640 Haste Rating gain through two extra sockets, Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves Icon Socket Gloves, in which you can fit 2 Quick Sun's Radiance Icon Quick Sun's Radiance.
Jewelcrafting Provides a 320 Intellect gain through the ability of using 2 Brilliant Serpent's Eye Icon Brilliant Serpent's Eye. These should be used in red sockets, replacing Reckless Vermilion Onyx Icon Reckless Vermilion Onyx gems, and not in prismatic sockets.
Alchemy Provides an 320 Intellect gain to your flask through Mixology Icon Mixology.
Enchanting Provides a 320 Intellect gain through Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect Icon Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect.
Engineering Provides +1,920 Intellect for 10 seconds every minute through Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs (the overall gain is +320 Intellect).
Inscription Provides a 320 Intellect gain through Secret Crane Wing Inscription Icon Secret Crane Wing Inscription.
Leatherworking Provides a 320 Intellect gain through Fur Lining - Intellect Icon Fur Lining - Intellect.
Herbalism Provides a 480 Haste Rating gain in average through Lifeblood Icon Lifeblood.

Blacksmithing and Engineering is currently the best professioncombination for Shadow Priests. Blacksmithing provides a HasteRating increase higher than that offered by any other profession.

Engineering should be your second profession, as itprovides you with Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs, which you canline up with cooldowns and trinket procs.

5. Changelog↑top

  • 13 Jan. 2014: Added new food items added in patch 5.4.
  • 10 Sep. 2013: Patch 5.4: removed Frag Belt Icon Frag Belt, following its nerf.
  • 02 Aug. 2013: Updated the gemming table to correctly suggest thatthe only Jewelcrafter-only gems to be used are Brilliant Serpent's Eye Icon Brilliant Serpent's Eyes,and only in red sockets.
  • 20 May 2013: Patch 5.3 update: nothing to change.
  • 08 May 2013: Clarified that the different gemming is reliant notonly on being above or below 505 item level, but also on reaching30,000 raid-buffed Spellpower. Also added that Haste gems should be used inprismatic sockets, in the "high" gear level gemming suggestions. Added amention that Jewelcrafter-only Intellect gems should be used in red sockets,and not in prismatic sockets.
  • 27 Apr. 2013: Added a mention of how to gem below item level505.
  • 26 Apr. 2013: Added a mention that Blacksmithing and Engineering isthe best profession combination.
  • 24 Apr. 2013: Added legendary meta-gem.
  • 10 Apr. 2013: Removed mention of ever using pure Haste gems inred sockets. Added Enchant Boots - Greater Haste Icon Enchant Boots - Greater Haste option for feet enchant.
  • 02 Apr. 2013: Removed green-quality gems.
  • 02 Apr. 2013: Improved advice for choosing your profession.
  • 26 Mar. 2013: Updated the gemming recommendations to, emphasisingHaste Rating-oriented gemming.

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