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Survival Hunter DPS Macros and Addons (MoP 5.4.8)

Survival Hunter Art Image
General Information

Macros and addons are an integral part of a raider's arsenal as they canmake it easier to perform a variety of tasks, improving your overall gameexperience. On this page, we present macros and addons that can be useful to aSurvival Hunter in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4.

The other pages of our Survival Hunter guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

1. Macros↑top

1.1. Generic Macros for Hunters

1.1.1. Deterrence Cancelaura Macro

  • /cancelaura Deterrence

This macro allows you to cancel your Deterrence Icon Deterrence, which is usefulbecause while Deterrence is active, you cannot perform any attacks. With thismacro, you can use Deterrence to avoid a specific boss ability and thenquickly resume DPS.

We advise using the above macro separately from your normal Deterrencekeybind, even though having a single macro for both is common. The reason weadvise against using the two together is that it is very easy to accidentallycancel Deterrence, especially if you are spamming your keybind.

1.1.2. Misdirection Mouseover/Focus Macro

  • #showtooltip Misdirection
  • /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][]Misdirection

This macro will cast Misdirection Icon Misdirection on the target you are currentlymousing over, provided that they are friendly and not dead. Otherwise, it willcast Misdirection on your focus target, if they are friendly and not dead. Ifthis is not a valid choice either, it will cast Misdirection on your currenttarget.

1.1.3. Start of the Fight (Pet Attack) Macro

  • #showtooltip Stampede
  • /cast Rapid Fire
  • /cast Stampede
  • /petattack

This macro makes sure that you stack Stampede Icon Stampede and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fireat the start of the fight, and also makes sure that your pet springs intoaction.

1.2. Specific Macros for Survival Hunters

Currently, we feel that there is no need for additional macros to play aSurvival Hunter to its full potential.

2. Addons↑top

2.1. Generic Addons for Hunters

2.1.1. ElvUI

Here, at Icy Veins, we useElvUIfor all our characters. This addon is a complete replacement of the defaultUser Interface. It comes with almost everything you need to perform properly:action bars, cooldown timers, proc display, etc.

We strongly recommend that you get this addon.

2.1.2. Boss Mods: Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs

Boss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give youlive advice on how to handle some mechanics. We strongly recommend you toget one such addon. At Icy Veins, we mostly useDeadly Boss Mods,the most popular boss mod. A good alternative isBig Wigs.

2.1.3. GTFO

GTFO is a lightweightaddon that notifies you when you are standing in harmful effects or when youare making other such mistakes. It is very useful, even if your boss mod isalready alerting you of such things.

2.1.4. Parrot or Mik's Scrolling Battle Text

Parrot andMik's Scrolling Battle Text are highlycustomisable addons for displaying floating battle text while in combat (incomingheals, damage of your spells, etc.). They both work very well by default.

2.1.5. Weak Auras

WeakAuras is anextremely useful addon that allows you to have visual effects on your screen,helping you track your buffs, debuffs and cooldowns. It is highly customisableand it can make it much, much easier to keep track of your procs and play yourspec more proficiently. It can also be used for a variety of otherfunctions.

2.1.6. Recount

Recount is awell known addon that most people use for displaying current DPS or HPS(Healing Per Second). We advise you to also use it for checking what youtake damage from and if the share of damage/healing you do with each of yourabilities is similar to that of other players of your class.

A lightweight alternative to Recount is Skada Damage Meter.

2.1.7. Omen Threat Meter

Omen Threat Meteris the most popular addon for displaying the current threat levels on yourtarget. We recommend you to use it to avoid taking aggro when the tank is still buildingup threat on an enemy.

2.1.8. JS' Hunter Bar

JS' Hunter Baris a highly customisable addon that greatly assists your gameplay as a hunter.It provides you with a very easy to see focus bar as well as cooldown timersfor all of your useful hunter abilities. Moreover, it provides various othermiscellaneous features.

2.1.9. JS' Hunter Bar Misdirection

JS' Hunter Bar Misdirection allows you to easily misdirect to targets by simplyright click their name on your unit frames.

2.1.10. Stay Focused! Hunter Helper

Stay Focused! Hunter Helper is a simple addon that displays a barrepresenting the amount of focus you currently have. It is very crucial thatyou know how much focus you have at all times, and having an addon which takesvery little space to show you this means that your visibility is nothindered.

This addon is an alternative to JS' Hunter Bar.

2.2. Specific Addons for Survival Hunters

Currently, we feel that there is no need for additional addons to play aSurvival Hunter to its full potential.

3. Changelog↑top

  • 02 Mar. 2014: Added Stay Focused! to the list.
  • 06 Aug. 2013: Added GTFO to the addon list.
  • 26 May 2013: Changed the Deterrence Icon Deterrence macro to now advise havingthe cancelaura component separate from the casting of Deterrence, so as toavoid accidentally cancelling the effect.

2015 0.7