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Windwalker Monk DPS Statistics Priority and Reforging (MoP 5.4.8)

Windwalker Monk Art Image
General Information

On this page, we explain what the best statistics are for WindwalkerMonks in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4, how the class benefits fromeach of them, andwhat your reforging strategy should be. We also detail what the various capsare (if any) and why they should be attained.

The statistics priority is important as itinfluences reforging strategies as well as itemisation choices(gear, enchants, and gems).

Make sure to check our GearOptimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for thisarticle.

The other pages of our Windwalker Monk guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

1. Basics↑top

The stat priority for a Windwalker Monk is:

  1. Hit Rating and Expertise Rating (until 7.5% each);
  2. Agility;
  3. Haste Rating (until you have enough, see seebelow);
  4. Critical Strike Rating;
  5. Mastery Rating.



2. Getting a Better Understanding↑top

Agility is your primary statistic. You should look for it in allof your upgrades. It provides you with Attack Power, which determines thedamage your abilities do, and it increases your critical strike chance.

Hit Rating decreases the chance that your melee attacks will misstheir target (7.5% against a raid boss). Therefore, your goal is to reach the7.5% hit cap (see section below), which will ensure that your attacks nevermiss.

Expertise Rating decreases the chance that your melee attacks willbe dodged (7.5% against a raid boss). Therefore, your goal is to reach the7.5% expertise cap (see section below), which will ensure that your attacksare never dodged. Note that you should always be attacking bosses from behind,which prevents them from parrying your attacks. Therefore, it is usuallyunnecessary (unless the boss cannot be attacked from behind) to decreasethe chance that your attacks will be parried (something that you can do bystacking Expertise Rating after reaching the 7.5% cap).

Haste Rating provides you with increased attack speed and energy regeneration. Ideally, you should have enough Haste that you can use anability on every global cooldown. Until you reach this point, Haste Rating isyour best statistic. When you get to this stage (and you are finding yourselfoften getting to maximum energy), then you should stop getting more HasteRating, and you should move over to either Mastery Rating or Critical StrikeRating.

Critical Strike Rating increases your chance to critically hit withall spells and abilities.

Mastery Rating (Mastery: Bottled Fury Icon Mastery: Bottled Fury) gives you a chance togenerate an additional stack of Tigereye Brew Icon Tigereye Brew each time you gain astack.

2.1. Hit Cap

At level 90, most races require 2,550 Hit Rating to reach themelee hit cap. Draenei, thanks to Heroic Presence Icon Heroic Presence, only need2,210 Hit Rating.

2.2. Expertise Cap

At level 90, most races require 2,550 Expertise Rating to reachthe expertise cap. Some races, in some cases, only need 2,210 ExpertiseRating, thanks to passive racial skills:

3. Changelog↑top

  • 11 Sep. 2013: Patch 5.4 update.
  • 20 May 2013: Patch 5.3 update: nothing to change.
  • 15 May 2013: Moved the Mastery versus Critical Strike debate inits own sub-section.
  • 09 Apr. 2013: Further clarified ideal statistic priority inrelation to Rune of Re-Origination Icon Rune of Re-Origination.
  • 06 Apr. 2013: Updated the statistics priority to be more accurate.Updated the explanations of Haste Rating, Mastery Rating, and Critical StrikeRating to make it easier to understand which stat you should choose, andwhen. Added some explanations about Rune of Re-Origination Icon Rune of Re-Origination.
  • 11 Mar. 2013: Patch 5.2 update.

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